evaeyre's reviews
33 reviews

Good Wives by Louisa May Alcott

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a beautiful follow up to the beloved story Little Women! i couldn’t put it down! i love that everyone finds their own piece of happiness - but it is also realistic in the sense that life is not all sunshine, when Beth passes. i feel like her death is monumental in the story in a beautiful and sad way, and yet it is her own happy ending when nothing else could be done. such a beautiful story!
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith

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this story has been an inspiration to my mother and i and it’s just one of the loveliest books i’ve ever read. it tells of joy, sorrow, grief, love, heartbreak, loss, and in the end, you have to get back up and persevere, just like francie nolan. what a good book.
The Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux

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a great translation for this classic! i really liked it!
The Portrait of a Lady by Henry James

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James writes his antagonists horridly well, that i couldn’t bear the vehement hatred i felt for the main two while i read it! not to mention that the protagonist herself is so very realistic and overall human - she makes mistakes and has faults and virtues, as most human beings do. she’s imperfectly perfect. a really good read!
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

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a really wonderful book - i couldn’t help but feel for all the characters, especially the creature himself!
Antigone by Sophocles

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a great story about morals versus laws set in place — only felt the ending could’ve been better if we saw antigone, eurydice, and haimon’s perspectives since it kind of took from the emotional aspect to have it just be like “uh oh! they killed themselves! awww!”
War & Peace by Leo Tolstoy

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very very good when it came to the beautifully written characters like Natasha Rostova and Andrei Bolkonsky, but i did struggle a bit to keep up with Tolstoy’s occasional tangents…