evangeline_miller's reviews
646 reviews

The Haar by David Sodergren

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“Muriel Margaret McAuley was eighty-four years old the first time she saw a man turned inside-out by a sea monster. You might think it would bother a woman of her age, but, as Muriel was fond of saying, she had seen a lot in her eighty-four short years.” 

The story follows 84-year-old Muriel McAuley, one of the last residents left in Witchaven, a small fishing village off the coast of Scotland targeted for redevelopment. She’s up against the Grant Organization, led by a power-hungry American real-estate mogul determined to build on the fragile coastline (a not-so-subtle nod to a certain ex-US president). I loved how the book balances intense body horror with the hardships of aging, and Muriel’s frustration and powerlessness really resonates. It’s definitely worth a read, even if the dialogue felt a bit melodramatic at times. 
The Mountain in the Sea by Ray Nayler

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I would have liked a bit more plot, but there’s a lot to dissect here. I loved how the book explores consciousness from three unique perspectives: human, octopus, and AI. While I’m not sure I fully understood everything that was going on, I still really enjoyed the overall atmosphere. This is my first Nayler novel, but I’d love to check out some of the author’s other work.