Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
Another weird story from the dark depths of Gaiman’s mind. I thought this was going to be a somewhat realistic story about a little dude exploring the forbidden fruit for his age, but in reality it wasn’t only that. As I understood, the main character met with several aliens and even kissed one, who then began to whisper in his ear a poem said to have brought the downfall of some other civilization. This all weird dialogue really reminded me of H. P. Lovecraft, which I liked because I love that type of odd and horrifying out-of-this-world kind of stuff.
Es gaidīju ko nedaudz citu. Šķita, ka būs interesantāks dizains un saistošāk izteikti fakti, taču arī šis nebija slikti. Lasīju, kamēr man vēl ļoti interesē viss ar okeānu saistītais.
Es nemāku par Blaumani izteikties tik cēli un skaisti kā daudzi literatūras izzinātāji, taču varu pateikt to, ka man šis nebija jālasa skolas dēļ, es to izvēlējos labprātīgi un nenožēloju. Romantika parasti nav tas, ko es daudz lasu, taču šie romantiskie stāsti bija pārpilni ar nodevību, skumjām, bailēm, mantkārību un atriebību, kas, protams, noveda pie traģēdijām. Skaisti.
A pretty untypical story, I’d say. Interesting but not as adventurous and “piratey” as I thought it would be. The last 25% of the book is basically just about how the main character chooses the closest from her loved ones, which, of course is an inner battle, but she really lingers back and forth, not being able to decide which one to choose. I would have preferred for that at times annoying dialogue to be replaced with some more action. But there were also good things in the story. For example, maturing to realize who one really was and pursuing that true self, finding love and being brave. Overall pretty good but I expected more.