ghosthermione's reviews
295 reviews

A Lady for a Duke by Alexis Hall

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10/10 no notes.
I guess I'm adding this author to the "read everything" list (it's a short list). It is as joyfully queer as Iron&Velvet was, and yet so very different in tone, setting, characters...
I'm looking forwars to more.
Vampire Club by Maria Saha

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 20%.

For non-book records, review text and ratings are hidden. Only mood, pace, and content warnings are visible.

Despite Distress by Jasmin Joachims

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I was intrigued but not quite hooked
Snowspelled by Stephanie Burgis

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Loved it! Almost forgot why I love Stephanie Burgis's regency-ish romances, now I need to get back to the rest of them!
Chevalier, First Class by Allison Carr Waechter

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A sweet short story I got as a freebie, and I have to say a teasing prequel is a great idea for a freebie because while it has its own conclusion, I now want more of these characters. Will definitely pick up The Hollow Plane at some stage
House Of Glass: Chipped by Rojana Krait

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Would have liked to know before I started reading that this wasnt a full story but only the beginning of one.
The Sea Around Us by Rachel Carson

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Fascinating to read. Some of the knowledge of the time, specifically around the formation of the moon, plate tectonics and the (absence of) the concept of pangaea, is absolutely outdated. And at the same time it gives a good idea of the knowledge of the time from the formation of the seas up to current scientific experiments and early offshore oil drilling. Which is interesting in the context of Silent Spring, written a decade later.
Cinder Ella by S.T. Lynn

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Absolutely loved it!
Damn You, Butch Charming by Genta Sebastian

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Quite enjoyable, although the fake southern accent was, well, painfully obviously fake at times.  Still really enjoyed this freebie