factandfables's reviews
1149 reviews

Miss Marple's Final Cases by Agatha Christie

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So I actually love Miss Marple’s short stories, but what annoyed me here were the fact that there are two random supernatural tacked onto the end.

A short story collection needs to be curated and this simple isn’t.
While Justice Sleeps by Stacey Abrams

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3.5 stars.

For the record, I rate books based on my personal enjoyment of them, and it is also true that political thrillers are not something I usually enjoy all that much.

What I liked here:
I thought the plot moved quickly, and didn't get *too* convoluted. It was fun, and better written than these usually are.

What frustrated me:
Without spoilers, I tend to dislike the trope of "inexperienced person gets thrust into something intricate and complicated and only they can save the world". I always feel like there has to be SOMEONE with the actual skills and/or experience needed. This book hit that irritation point smack on the head too many times to count.
Obsidio by Amie Kaufman, Jay Kristoff

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These books are great and get extra points for being a really great example of epistolary storytelling.

Overall, I loved these, even when I felt like they required too much suspension of disbelief to be totally perfect.
A Thousand Ships by Natalie Haynes

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The idea of this is great, and some of the stories are excellent, but I was left a little disappointed - I wanted more actual “off the stage” moments, and to see the lives of these women aside from the actual story.