fairyblood's reviews
563 reviews

Roman and Jewel by Dana L. Davis

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it’s been a while since i’ve read ya i actually really liked! this is written from a musical theatre nerd, with musical theatre enthusiasts (aka me) in mind. cute! wouldn’t recommend!
Death in Her Hands by Ottessa Moshfegh

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??ehh why did it end like that??
I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith

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enjoyed this immensely. cassandra was such a loveable protagonist. i have to say i liked the first half of the book more than the second, mostly because i really didn’t warm up to the love interest introduced later on…nonetheless i would recommend this wholeheartedly! 
Push by Sapphire

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this book was unlike anything i’ve ever read. i think precious is such a great protagonist, i was rooting for her from the beginning. i loved her willingness to learn and her ability to push through everything coming her way. 
Gigi by Colette

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come on people, this girl is FIFTEEN years of age! 15!!! being groomed by a 30 something gross little freak to whom she refers to as “uncle”??? hated her relatives too. i was rooting for gigi but the ending was so disappointing ugh. writing was quite good.
One Day by David Nicholls

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hmm i don’t really know. i found both main characters quite unlikeable, dexter especially drove me nuts at times. i liked the writing, it was a very easy read. the last chapter was very sweet and i cried at the end, but i’m a cancer rising so i get emotional at almost everything lmao. will give the netflix show a try!
De Profundis and Other Writings by Oscar Wilde

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the language!!! oh!!! wilde is so good. de profundis is the letter he wrote to his lover/arch nemesis whilst being imprisoned bc homosexuality was a big no no in england back then. it is equally heartbreaking and hopeful.
Plath: Poems by Diane Wood Middlebrook, Sylvia Plath

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uhmm i LOVE the bell jar but plath‘s poetry is not for me. at all. loved a few tiny bits but that’s it. maybe i just didn’t get it lmao
Was, wenn es Liebe ist by Sophie van der Stap

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werde das buch nicht bewerten, da es nicht mein genre ist und ich es nur gelesen habe, weil esaus dem regal  meiner patentante stammt, die ich sehr vermisse. aber: ich fand es echt nicht empfehlenswert lol