fangirlishwandering's reviews
168 reviews

Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur

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My first poetry book. Impressive.
The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom by Don Miguel Ruiz

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If only everyone could read this book and, more importantly, TAKE IT SERIOUSLY... the world would be a wayyyy better place to live in.
The Loneliest Girl in the Universe by Lauren James

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Beautiful, sad and unexpected. Couldn’t put it down. Loved it.
It Ends with Us by Colleen Hoover

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So beautiful, so thoughtful.
Before I read this book, I was one of those people who judged more the person who’s being abused than the abuser.
This book made me see things clearly. This book changed me.
Turtles All the Way Down by John Green

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I’m fucking speechless. That ending was everything. It gave me hope, it made me smile and cry at the same time, it gave me goosebumps. I feel attacked.
Illuminae by Jay Kristoff, Amie Kaufman

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I have many contradicting thoughts about this book.
I liked it a lot.
HOWEVER, I was hoping for a lot more and hence why I’m only giving it 4 stars.
The ILLUMINAE FILES whole idea is genius. A story told through a collection of files? AMAZING. The visuals are so well done and it feels good to have a different kind of book to read.
Thing is, I found myself many times wishing the book to just speed up a bit. Maybe it was because I read it during exams time or because this doesn’t fit exactly on my genre, I don’t know.
I did love Ezra and Kady’s relationship, but because it was all told through files, I feel like I don’t really know these characters, you know?
So I won’t give up on this series! I’ll have to read the second book to really evaluate how I feel about the Illuminae files!
Go read it, tho! It’s not bad, at all. It’s genius 👌🏼🔥