fangsgirl99's reviews
20 reviews

The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie by Alan Bradley

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This book and this entire series so far is a treasure! Alan Bradley is immensely skilled at creating a character who is both realistic and relatable. I feel like im 12 again, reading Flavia’s adventures. The only flaw i have seen so far is Inspector Hewitt’s complete willingness to accept all of Flavia’s explanations right off the bat. Other than that, its a delightful read, especially on audio!
Halo: Cryptum by Greg Bear

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This is my first foray into the sci-fi genre of literature and, I must say, I was overwhelmingly surprised. This book was relatable, yet just mysterious and space-jargon-y enough to keep you interested. I honestly expected not to be able to understand much of the language or technical stuff but everything was well explained without being over the top technical, something I despise in any form of writing.

Being that I play the game Halo more for the storyline than anything, this book answered a lot of questions for me and honestly piques my interest in the game even more.

I have yet to read the rest of the Halo series but so far, its a yes from me!
Halo: Primordium by Greg Bear

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The second of the Forerunner series was a bit of a let down for me, in comparison to the first book. It had the intensity, the drama, the ability to sway your sympathies from one species to another simply by change of perspective, all the power of a well-written book but in the end i was disappointed. The author changed one of his characters (the main from his first book, Cryptum) very drastically, turning him from a soul searching, true-to-himself young man into an exact copy of his mentor with no willful thought of his own. A huge letdown for a character that was so dynamic in the first book.
This book was also more confusing and without an easily followable central plotline. I think more could have been delivered but it was still a gripping read as far as the series storyline goes.
This book does give a more rounded perspective to the series though, which I appreciate. In this series, a universe is falling apart and the different perspectives of this reality-bending catastrophe from different individuals is wonderfully eye-opening.
Starflight by Melissa Landers

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This was a good read as far as keeping the reader engaged and description was very vivid, but I felt this book lacked a lot. Its biggest flaw was realism, especially in Solara and Doran’s interactions. If i had that cruel of a history with someone and they treated me the way Doran treats Solara, let’s just say it would have been a murder mystery not a romance novel. To me, getting together with him in such a short span of time was extremely unrealistic. Also the pirate sequence...come one, people. You can do better than that. StarFlight was an entertaining read but do i wish i had those 4 hours of my life back? Probably 😬
Endgame: The Calling by James Frey, Nils Johnson-Shelton

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A very unique and fun format. This book definitely keeps your attention and the story line is easy to follow. Im not typically an end-of-the-world, conspiracy theory person but i could get into this series. Im giving it four stars tho because I didnt rush thru it and i finished it way too soon! The chapters needed a little more meat on them.
The Cuckoo's Calling by Robert Galbraith

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I listened to this book on audio and didn’t even finish it. I’ve rarely been less interested in finishing a book. The content was dry, the action moved extremely slow and didn’t hold my attention. It felt like the characters were being told to do things they didnt want to do or wouldn’t have normally done. I was pretty disappointed in this book, perhaps the other titles by this author are better but I doubt i will waste my time testing them.
Dracula by Bram Stoker

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I absolutely LOVED this book! What surprised me the most about it is it was nothing like I expected. This was a good vs. evil book in every sense of the word, with such character intensity that you felt like you were going through the story personally. I cannot say enough good things about this book, it will be one of my all time favorites!