fayetree's reviews
117 reviews

In 27 Days by Alison Gervais

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i remember nothing about this book other than staying up until sunrise everyday during winter break in 7th grade to finish it. i need to reread
Solitaire by Alice Oseman

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4.5 stars. not as good as radio silence but then again i’m bias because aled last <333
michael holden & tori spring i would die for both of you, you are both so perfect and i will lock you in a room until you believe it too.
Girl in Pieces by Kathleen Glasgow

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why the fuck did that 27 year old man who dated and manipulated a 17 girl get a redemption arc???
like yassss statutory r*pe and coercing someone into having sex with you (which is also r*pe) and them making them feel like it was their fault when they tell you they didn’t want it is so slay!! so forgivable !!
let’s say it for the people in the back SILENCE DOESN’T EQUAL CONSENT !!
“even assholes need help sometimes.” no they don’t. don’t be an asshole who grooms a vulnerable 17 year girl just so you feel better about yourself.
why should he get to pat himself on the back because he feels bad for hurting her, he really did love her and omg he told her his real name !!! and he wrote her shitty song apologizing!! not everyone needs to be redeemed.
sometimes people are shitty, it doesn’t matter if they’re depressed or addicts or had a horrible childhood, that doesn’t change the fact that they do shitty things and should be held responsible. not everyone deserves forgiveness just so they feel better.
i think MGK and riley have a lot in common.
serving ‘moon song’ & ‘motion sickness’ & ‘scott street’ realness.
The Summer I Turned Pretty by Jenny Han

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more of a 2.7 but it feels mean to put only 2 stars. it has some problems, definitely if i read it in middle school would have liked it better, but it was an easy read. fun for summer. made me wish it was summer.

jeremiah just know, i would never choose conrad over you. you are my forever summer love <3