filmingpages's reviews
352 reviews

Gwen and Art Are Not in Love by Lex Croucher

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Found family trope just has me at a chokehold 💪 this was the cutest, funniest read I've read this year and now I just wanna consume aaaaaany media that has to do with the Arthurian legend 🙈
A Study in Drowning by Ava Reid

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Every single element of this book pointed to me loving it, but I was a bit lost...

The world building, especially at the beginning of the book was confusing, I was completely at loss as to what was going on with the Argantians and the Llyrians and I barely knew who was an Argantian and who a Llyrian 😅

I did enjoy how whimsical it was and loved the fairy tale vibe of it and how much the sea was incorporated in the story, but overall the way the story unfolded wasn't an enjoyable read for me.
Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare

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The most surprising thing about this book is how much it holds up! I devoured it as a 27 year old and I know full well that my 15 year old self would also adore this.

One of my favourite parts has to be the fact that it takes place in London, I absolutely loved being able to recognise the places that were mentioned!

Did think that
Nathaniel betraying Tessa was a bit of a predictable twist, BUT I will also recognise that when this book was written, this type of twist was "in fashion"
so it didn't bother me as much.
The C*ck Down the Block by Amy Award

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This started off sooooo good, but the more the plot progressed the more my enthusiasm waned.

I'm all for "efficient storytelling" but this was far too rapid for me. From two "fake dates" to "all consuming love", I was a bit lost. Another thing that I didn't like, was how much telling and not showing was going on 😅 For example, one day before they go on their first fake date, his whole family is like "oh my God, be careful with her, Trixie is like a SISTER to us and we'll fuck you up if you break her heart" and I was like, that was literally NEVER established 😅

I also couldn't place those peopled ages, if you told me they were 16, 18, or even 20, I would have believed you. No way these people were full fledged adults 😅

But my BIGGEST issue was the fact that 
we know that Trixie is a virgin because the previous men in her life haven't treated her well. Which I would assume comes with it's own trauma or baggage, etc. And what does Chris do?? Fuck her in a locker room effectively taking her virginity in the MOST unromantic way possible, because apparently he had to have her 😐 As much as it was pushed on us that Chris cares about Trixie's emotional wellbeing and blah blah blah, all I got from that scene is that all Chris cares about is his fucking cock.

So yeah, after this point, I was a bit disappointed and just finished the book for the sake of it.

A Fragile Enchantment by Allison Saft

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This was one of those situations where I have to admit that "it's me and not the book". I feel like if I had read this at a different time and especially not after quite a few similar reads, I would have enjoyed it way more, since it does seem to be right up my alley.

While this was by no means a bad book, or a book that I will not be recommending to friends, I found it slightly hard to get through it/enjoy it.
These Violent Delights by Chloe Gong

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First I started reading this book back in 2021 and ended up dnf-ing it somewhere around the 65% mark.

Revisiting it now, I noticed again that when we passed the middle it started dragging again. I absolutely loved the atmosphere of the book, loved Roman and Juliette's dynamic and the mystery was interesting enough, but somehow I still got slightly bored after the 50% mark of the book.

I will continue with the series, even though
the way Juliette killed/not killed Marshal wasn't explained reasonably enough for me, the explanation given was a bit long winded and I didn't feel it was as well thought out as the rest of the book
Threads That Bind by Kika Hatzopoulou

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I absolutely loved the atmosphere and the vibes of this book and how it incorporated the Greek mythology and general Greek elements to the story! ✨ The mystery did keep me on my toes and I was trying to figure it out up until the last moment.

The only thing that confused a bit was all those different xxx-born, sometimes I found it hard to connect the person with the powers they were supposed to have. The romance was cute, even though I wasn't really keen on it, purely because I just wanted to know the conclusion to the mystery and I felt that this was slightly delaying things from progressing.
Do Your Worst by Rosie Danan

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So much fun and sooooo spicy 👀 one of the books that I'd love to revisit in the future!
Godkiller by Hannah Kaner

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Even though it took me longer than anticipated to get through, this book did not disappoint AT ALL.

Kissen is shaping up to be one of my new favourite characters, she was soo interesting and multilayered, I loved following her journey. The whole atmosphere of the book reminds me of knight themed RPG games and it's overall very enticing to read. The plot twist as well was ☠️☠️☠️

I made the mistake of reading the plot of the second book before finishing and spend the second half of the book believing that Kissen was going to die, buuuuuuut I so hope she's saved after all! 🤞
Ruthless Vows by Rebecca Ross

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Literally the best 2 books I read this year was this duology! I am sooooooo in love with Roman and Iris and this book had so many 🔥🔥🔥🔥 moments of these two!