finallyfinnian's reviews
72 reviews

Cress by Marissa Meyer

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I found this series late - one of my students recommended it during a discussion on favorite books and she was so enthusiastic, I had to check them out. I've loved all of the books so far, but Cress is my favorite. Thorne and Cress are kind of adorable. In the first book, there were parts of the gushing over Kai that I found irritating- I didn't find anything irritating about Thorne and Cress. This book zips along quickly, the pace is on fire and there's not a single place where I wanted to put it down. I highly recommend this series to anyone who loves a good fantasy/cyborg/fairytale retelling/YA. Even if you don't get completely into Cinder, you'll want to stick around because Scarlet is better and Cress is just superb.
Everyman by Unknown

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I recently visited this classic in preparation for a class I'm teaching on early British Literature. It's an allegorical play, which is fantastic, except the concepts are so in-your-face that there's no need to think about what any of it means. Nevertheless, it's an interesting glimpse into the mindset of the time which is that as long as man (and one hopes woman) confesses and asks for forgiveness, they can achieve salvation. It does create some fun discussions in the classroom and it's a somewhat easy read.
Winter by Marissa Meyer

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I really enjoyed this whole series. Winter, the conclusion, was a long book but in general, the story was compelling enough to keep me interested the whole time.

I love the friendships in this book even more than the romances. There's no doubt that Cinder is in love with Kai, but her banter with Thorne is funny and light-hearted, the perfect antidote for the intensity of the rest of the story.

Thorne, in general, is probably my favorite character, a Gilderoy Lockhart, if GL hadn't been cowardly and cruel. Thorne is charming, funny, and just enough of a rogue to keep things interesting.

I never grew to like Jacin. He's the only one in the whole group who doesn't have any appeal. Yeah, he's obsessed with Winter - but who isn't in the lunar population?

Overall, this is a fantastic book, probably the best in the series and though I'm years late to it, I'm happy that my student recommended this one to me.

Leah on the Offbeat by Becky Albertalli

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After Simon, I expected awesomeness. Leah doesn't quite deliver. Maybe it's because I never really developed any empathy for her. Admittedly, I am long past my teenage years, but I do generally enjoy YA. This one just didn't quite deliver. The tone is annoying and Leah's POV while trying to be acerbic and intelligent, instead just comes off as bitchy and rude. I never got a feel for the other characters in this one - and after the joy and pleasure of Simon vs the Homo Sapien Agenda, I think I expected brilliance and pure love. Leah didn't quite deliver - the story is still decent, but all in all, I never quite loved it.
Onna no Inai Otokotachi by Haruki Murakami

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I savored this over several days, reading a story here and there between other things. They're beautifully written and sad. The characters are all sort of moving through life - not really engineering their own lives, rather just letting things happen to them and reacting (or not) to whatever happens. There's a kind of pall that hangs over the entire book, like everything is kind of grey and damp, regardless of the actual setting of each story. Not that it's a bad thing - just not something to read all in one sitting.
Tinsel by Kris Bryant

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I was thrilled to get an email that my pre-order of this novella was ready for download - my wife was working all day Friday and I was caught up on grading so I decided to spend Friday afternoon reading this delightful story.

The characters are well-developed and interesting right from the beginning. The author sets up a little light conflict. This is not an angsty story. It's a feel good story with two compelling characters and, in my opinion the star of the show, a stray kitten who needs a home.

I devoured this work and felt good when I finished. I read the entire thing aloud to my wife on Sunday because it was just that delightful.