finding_novel_land's reviews
105 reviews

The Thirteen Problems by Agatha Christie

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Did not finish book.
Marple solves the mysteries I did read so quickly that it took any element of suspense away. 
The Burnout by Sophie Kinsella

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Nice, comforting easy read -
a romance where they don’t fix the hotel and actually go back to their city jobs? Whatttt?!!
Unwind by Neal Shusterman

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adventurous challenging dark emotional sad tense medium-paced


Well this was amazing. Not my usual cup of tea at all but such a unique concept and really well executed. Harrowing in places.

Not 5* as I didn’t feel drawn to pick it up but enjoyed it when I did.

Also frustrated about the gaps in Lev’s storyline.
Caraval by Stephanie Garber

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  • Strong character development? Yes


Ahdndodnwjaofneow ahhh I loved this so so much. Picked this up on a whim with zero expectations and it blew me away. The tension between Scarlett and Julian, be still my beating heart. Urgh I love love love getting so invested in a book like I have with this. Best thing I’ve read in agessss! ❤️❤️

Sorry, serious review.

Not 5* because sometimes the magical clues felt like she was being handed too much on a platter, compared to her actually investigating and solving what was going on. 

But I loved Scarlett’s character development!