finnrobsbooks's reviews
86 reviews

Dead Poets Society by N.H. Kleinbaum

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Ka, hans nd so wörklich verstande. Müssti Maybe en Analyse devo lese oders uf Dütsch nomol versueche. Lueg aber de Film definitiv no. I mean, es spielt de Robbie Williams!
Glasgow Boys by Margaret McDonald

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Ah mhh guets Buech I guess aber nd für mich. Honestly s hätt mich alles nd wörklich gjuckt. 
having a ghost in my bed by fromagony

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The Veretian Flytrap by Just_Another_Day

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it's a craving, not a crush by wolfpad

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Best Friend's Brother by bizarrestars

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Mental by Sara Holmes

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The Man Who Lived by sebastianL

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