flors_'s reviews
45 reviews

Operación Masacre by Rodolfo Walsh

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dark reflective medium-paced


La primera parte me llevó a un nerviosismo terrible de no tener el más mínimo conocimiento de los horrores a punto de ser narrados, a pesar de sospechar de su gravedad. La segunda, la angustia, el dolor, la experiencia de tener que cerrar el libro y dejarlo en la mesa sin poder continuar. La reflexión inevitable y de cierta manera ingenua de repetirse a una misma, esto pasó, esto es real, esto se vivió en este país. Mi país. Y la tercera, ligeramente más pesada pero cargada de indignación y enojo. E impotencia, la del autor y la propia como ciudadana argentina, al desentrañarse el sistema corrupto y opresivo que por todo medio intentaría y finalmente lograría protegerse a sí mismo.
Sobre una escritura magnífica, justa y comprometida con la verdad la obra se construye difícil de digerir y brutalmente honesta, pero indudablemente necesaria.

Sé perfectamente que en este país un jefe de policía es poderoso, mientras que un periodista —oscuro por añadidura— apenas es nada. Pero sucede que creo, con toda ingenuidad y firmeza, en el derecho de cualquier ciudadano a divulgar la verdad que conoce, por peligrosa que sea. Y creo en este libro, en sus efectos.
Espero que no se me critique el creer en un libro —aunque sea escrito por mí— cuando son tantos más los que creen en las metralletas.
Tuya by Claudia Piñeiro

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dark funny fast-paced


tuya is not the most original or fresh plot, but piñeiro works around it in a funny and engaging way that makes it worth reading. although i have to admit i only felt this way when i was reading it out loud with a friend and enjoying it together, because i actually grew bored and unmotivated to pick it up once i had to get through it on my own. take that as you will.
my main problem with this book is that the protagonist's daughter seems to have a storyline of her own that progresses along the main one, and all throughout the book i was expecting these two to collide in some kind of way, resulting in the solving of one another or at the very least, causing some confrontation on their relationship issues. this never happened. in fact, i think you can cut clean all the parts about her daughter and it wouldn't make any difference, it just doesn't add anything to the story.
it's a shame, really, just how underdeveloped some relationships and characters are. anyway, it was a fast, short and generally entertaining read which is always appreciated.
Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke by Eric LaRocca

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dark fast-paced


i don't think this book is set out to be complex, so it isn't fair to judge it as i do with most of my reads. in its horror value, it actually is fucking wild. leaves you perplexed, speechless. there's some serious creativity at work here.
now, there are times when you just don't get to understand the characters, their motivations, reasons or thoughts cause these aren't properly addressed, but then again, as i see it, the point of the story isn't to be fully developed but to be scary and disgusting and perverted. for which it totally succeeds.
i'm not ever recommending this to anyone though. way too disturbing lol

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Animal Farm by George Orwell

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dark reflective fast-paced


i feel it unfair to rate Animal Farm anything but 5 stars: to begin with, its writing style is clear and very simple without being mediocre, which makes it a fast read, one of the traits i enjoy the most in a book. which is more, the allegory that orwell presents works perfectly well and it's easy to see through it and thus, the message the author wants to send comes across successfully. 
the only thing i could maybe complain about would be the feeling of uneasiness that i got as the story progressed because i knew where it was headed and how it was going to end; and so a few times it would put me off sitting down to read. but again, this feeling only proves how effective the narrative is.
a must-read.
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson

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dark mysterious tense slow-paced


so this started off very promising. i went into it without knowing anything about it and the first 150 pages or so were very interesting, as the story slowly unfolded and i began to understand what was it all about. i think the writing is very clever and complex, there are lots of details and every one of them seems to be there for a reason. there was a peak around the middle when i just couldn't put it down, lots of shit were happening so fast and it was all so disturbing and intriguing. then the plot twist happened and it felt kinda forced? cause as soon as it begun, it was over. after that there were like 150 more pages of aftermath, or maybe setting up for the next book. all i know is that i was just bored out of my mind and barely made it to the end. it was quite disappointing.
something that's worth mentioning, and i believe one of the things i liked most about this, was the morals involved in everything these characters did and how these were constantly being adressed and analyzed from different points of view, i think it adds an extra layer of complexity to the novel.
as for the characters, i do appreciate the diverse cast and how naturally the author introduces in his narrative queer representation, polyamorous relationships, aspergers syndrome, etc. they weren't very outstanding to me, but they weren't boring either. one thing i didn't really like was
the relationship between Blomkvist and Salander, the age difference makes me uncomfortable even though it's adressed as an issue...
it just doesn't sit right with me. 
overall, insanely gripping and kinda disappointing at times (i don't think i'm picking up the second one), but a good read !
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

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challenging dark reflective medium-paced


during almost the whole book i had this feeling in my chest of utter anxiousness and helplessness in view of this world that's so fucked up you can't even begin to think about how to fix it or even put up with it. one of my favorite things about this book is that you get to feel these emotions alongside the main character, who starts realizing all the bullshit around him and slowly begins to want to think for himself. it's a really interesting message, and i think the author handled it well and so it got across clearly. that said, the end felt kinda rushed and the last twenty pages or so bored me a bit. i liked it a lot tho, definitely a must-read.
The Duke and I by Julia Quinn

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funny tense medium-paced
  • Strong character development? It's complicated
  • Loveable characters? No
  • Diverse cast of characters? No


i actually enjoyed the first half of the book: the characters had chemistry, their conversations were entertaining and it was cute watching them interact; most of the times at least. then the duel scene happened, and everything just went downhill from there. 
they both made terrible things and got no consequences in return. i don't even understand why the author would include sensitive topics in her narrative and then not address them properly or toss them aside as if nothing had happened.
the main characters became very unlikable and terrible people (worst thing is that the book insists on telling you otherwise) and the rest served a single purpose to the plot, sometimes none at all. 
this was just a messy, all-over-the-place unpacking of trauma, horrible decisions and frustratingly flat characters trying to convince you that they're madly in love. and failing miserably.

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