i understand that irina isn’t supposed to be likable and is the villain (for lack of better words) of the story, but i couldn’t enjoy that because i was so pissed off at her the entire book. good villains usually tend to have something remotely likable about them, whereas irina is just a horrible person all around. what i did like about the book was the writing style. it was very conversational and made me feel like i was involved in irina’s thoughts rather than observing them as a third party
i can’t say enough about this book. the beginning was slow and i wasn’t sure that i was in love with the author’s writing style, but the more i progressed, the more i became obsessed. the author managed to weave so many serious societal issues into a plot considered to be satirical horror and balanced both perfectly. this is the type of book that really makes you think about how obsessed society has become with beauty and how other issues (i.e., misogyny, classism) are impacted by it. 5-7 business days aren’t nearly enough for me to process what i read