frdose's reviews
238 reviews

The Marble Queen by Anna Kopp

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had a lot of potential :(
The Rom-Commers by Katherine Center

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i shouldn't have read this on my period + while listening to billie eillish's new album. let's just say tears were shed. katherine you've done it again.
Dark Rise by C.S. Pacat

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i really liked this. the characters felt fleshed out and i can tell it's leading to a really good slow burn romance. one of my biggest pet peeves is when fantasy authors don't commit to the high stakes, but this book did and i love that. only reason the rating isn't higher is because it felt slow at the beginning and i almost dnfed(thank god i didn't).
The Turn of the Key by Ruth Ware

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i feel crazy. after i finished the book, i read through some reviews and i'm actually so so confused. did i read a different version of this book than other people? are you guys masochists? i just don't understand what you could possibly find entertaining, thrilling or enjoyable about this book. it was so boring and slow up until the last 50 ish pages, there was just so much unnecessary things being described and the 'thrilling' events that were supposed to be spooky felt really flat and cliche. and don't even get me started on the ending... if the twist at the end is true then i truly don't understand why she had built up that plotline about the doctor and the poison garden. i understand that it's supposed to be a red herring, but if your misdirection is more interesting than your actual plot twist/reveal, then you've done something wrong.