freyanne's reviews
218 reviews

Soulmates by Holly Bourne

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I read this book within three days and I had pretty much predicted the ending within the first 150 pages or so. I thought their relationship was cute, and I enjoyed Lizzie character, but I hated the whole cliche thing running through the book. We got it the first time and then it just kept popping up and it started to annoy me. I found the ending slightly disappointing
Lil I’d figured it wouldn’t end happily in that one of them would die or they’d be separated horribly for the rest of their lives but during the brief time they had managed to escape, I held out hope that it wouldn’t end in the blandest and most predictable way. But alas it did.
I didn’t cry reading either, which is highly unusual, because I cry watching tv ads. Whether it was because I didn’t really connect with the characters as much as I normally do, or the fact that I saw the ending coming from a mile away I’m not sure.
I did wonder if there was a second book, but there isn’t, so I’m going to assume they went on to live happy(Ish) lives without each other, maybe poppy went on to date frank. The way the book set this romance up, I highly doubt either would ever actually get in different relationships again, or if they did then they’d never be satisfied. I don’t like the idea that neither of them are going to be happy without each other as if your own happiness relies on the love of someone else.
So yeah, cutesy romance, and fun side characters, but I don’t particularly enjoy the whole I cAnNoT lIvE wItHoUt HiM Im NoT EvEr GoINg tO bE HaPpY aGaIn. And the whole thing was boringly predictable
Bis(s) zur Mittagsstunde by Stephenie Meyer

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The on,y reason I thought this book was slightly better than the first one is because Edward is hardly in it.
Open Heart, Book 1 by NOT A BOOK

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