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frostovision's reviews
188 reviews
Horrorstör by Grady Hendrix
This book left me wanting. As a horror and a parody, I was sort of hoping for it to be either darkly funny or scary and it was very much neither. The plot felt as rushed as the pages -- every time something remotely scary in concept came up, it happened and was explained so quickly there was really no room for any sort of dread to set in.
The characters, all of them, were ridiculous as they were unbelievable -- about as flat as the ORSK packing methods.
The characters, all of them, were ridiculous as they were unbelievable -- about as flat as the ORSK packing methods.
Imaginary Friend by Stephen Chbosky
Started out great, scary, hard to put down. Somewhere near the middle, it turned slow, repetitive, like baby teeth. Like baby teeth, like baby teeth. After a while, the redundancy stopped being scary and just started feeling annoying.
I can't say, personally, I enjoyed the "twist" at the end. After a while, everything simply felt tiring and heavy handed.
I can't say, personally, I enjoyed the "twist" at the end. After a while, everything simply felt tiring and heavy handed.