gabsi77's reviews
258 reviews

Bonjour tristesse by Françoise Sagan

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I absolutely adore this book. It's well written despite the author having been 18 when it was published. The main character is 17 years old but even with these factors the book is far superior to the typical young adult genre. The themes in the novel are universal and relatable and the feeling expressed are the typical human emotions that I think most tend to try and suppress.
High Tea by Sandra Harper

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It was an easy read with a nice story. It took place over a long period of time without being tedious to read and that it contains the recipes for food and drink that's mentioned in the novel is nice.
House Rules by Jodi Picoult

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It really wasn't as good as I was expecting it to be. My cousin recommended it and told me to make sure not to check the ending before reading all the way through because it would ruin the plot twist or whatever. I read it through but I had the plot figured out from when the first incident happened so that was a let down. Also my thing with Picoult's books is that they tend to be pretty similar but this was a little different from the other's that I read.
The Debutante Divorcee by Plum Sykes

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While I enjoyed Bergdorf Blondes immensely this book was a little more difficult for me to get into. It was funny and well written I found but I think the whole concept of marriage and divorce is not that relatable for me yet. The characters were also a little unbelievable. I have no doubt that there are some people in the world like that but that they would all be found in the same place is far-fetched to me. This book caught my eye simply because of the author and I used it to take a break from my Harry Potter reading. It was a light, fun book to read and it you're just looking for a beach book, or something cutesy and nice, this would be a good choice.