gandalf's reviews
705 reviews

Help Wanted: A Novel by Adelle Waldman

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Terrible editing but good editing wouldn't have saved this. "How do i make a book as boring as possible" read this to find out 
Gathering Moss: A Natural and Cultural History of Mosses by Robin Wall Kimmerer

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I liked reading about moss but I grew less appreciative of her philosphical musings over time--partially a casualty of having read this over the period of a year and pondering it more, but also, certain claims of hers are far less enlightened than she thinks
Parasol Against the Axe by Helen Oyeyemi

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Never read anything else by this author despite having seen her around ever since I was in high school, and it turns out I haven't missed much. I picked this one up because I have a minor fascination with Prague despite never having been here. But this book is just another novel full of stylish nothing, and I didnt like her style very much. I think I'm tired of fiction at this point, everything I pick up just ends up being so boring...
Fixation: How to Have Stuff without Breaking the Planet by Sandra Goldmark

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Put the audiobook on to listen to during chores/busywork but frankly I did not find it to be particularly enlightening. Maybe there was something I hadn't already heard later in the book but it didn't feel worth waiting to get there.
The Fraud by Zadie Smith

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It was fine. I like her writing style a lot, but wasn't a fan of the construction of the story. Felt like I got the point by halfway through and wasn't interested enough to finish it
Changing My Mind: Occasional Essays by Zadie Smith

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Skipped the ones about books I haven't read but enjoyed the rest 
The Education of an Idealist: A Memoir by Samantha Power

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Made it about halfway through before losing interest, had to return the audiobook anyway
Divine Rivals by Rebecca Ross

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Man this sucked. Worldbuilding was both underdone and messy, prose was overdone and messy, characters had no personality, plot had the logical flow of a kindergartner's playground games. Cannot believe it is in such high demand at the library.