gdpittman's reviews
51 reviews

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

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My original opinion on Collins's trilogy was that, while the writing was creative, the novels would not hold a lasting place in American literature. I've changed my mind. After reading all three novels, I found Collin's writing--and her ability to throw in a single line that left my mind blown--so novel (no pun intended) that returning to other novels has been difficult.

The plot is so unique (what reader would routinely expect to pick up a book about teenagers forced to fight other teenagers to the death?), and Collins handled what could have been--should have been--a disturbing story line so deftly, that these novels will be around for a long time.

I was drawn in by the first person stream of consciousness voice and have trouble returning to other authors. I now find authors I once enjoyed pedestrian and boring. I'm sure that will subside rather quickly, but Collins stands alone--at least for now--in her storytelling prowess.
Transfer of Power by Vince Flynn

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Seemed to be a slightly slow start, but once it picked up, it was a great read. I didn't care for Flynn's handling of the story's resolution. It seemed a little sloppy to me, as if he decided he had written enough and simply wanted to end it.
The Lincoln Lawyer by Michael Connelly

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This was my first Michael Connelly book and I do hope his others are better. Connelly's writing style is pedestrian and the plot of this book was barely interesting enough to hold me to the end. Connelly kept the reader in the dark over Haller's plans; the audience found out at the same time the characters did.