geenahreads's reviews
74 reviews

The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson

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He made me cry. And that’s so rude. How are you going to
kill my main bitch and HER main bitch?? I loved them both and now they’re gone and I’m going to scream. At least Sazed is still alive (allegedly)

Great book and a wonderful wrap up for a trilogy. I had my issues just like with the others but overall, loved it and now I don’t know what to do with myself :) Such a wonderful world, cast of characters, magic system and storyline that kept my attention across all three books. I can see why this book is so loved and I’m slightly upset that it took me so long to finally pick it up. 
The Lies of the Ajungo by Moses Ose Utomi

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I think an important thing to remember is that this is only 80 or so pages long and yet it still provided a full story with a decently solid plot and characters. Were there some issues? Yes. But again, this was 80 pages and did more than some 300+ page books I’ve read. Really enjoyed my time with this one!
Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn

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Huh, odd! To be honest, I wasn’t that scared which is saying A LOT because I get scared so easily. I walked out of a children’s haunted house once. This was interesting and I didn’t mind it for the most part but some things felt… unnecessary. I don’t have much to say about this other than I DID IT! Good job me. 
Impact Winter season 2 by Travis Beacham

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The production is still my favorite part and this was an overall enjoyable listen but the story still just falls flat in some areas and, just like season 1, I had no emotional connection to any of the characters so “big” and “impactful” moments really didn’t mean much to me. 
The Risk by S.T. Abby

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This was a silly goofy time for me. Not rating. I just wanted a brain shut off short story and this fit that nicely.  Not a single thought was in my head other than “hehe nice! She killed another one!” 
The Familiar by Leigh Bardugo

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A little disappointed with this one. It was a slow start in my opinion but what kept me interested was this familiar (no pun intended) feeling that I had experienced with A Dowry of Blood. I couldn’t tell you what exactly was reminding me of that book in this one, but it was there. Unfortunately, I felt like this book lacked everything that made A Dowry of Blood so addictive. 

The writing was fine. Maybe even good. But there was just so much lacking from this story that I never found myself truly invested in any of it and I’ll probably forget everything about this book by tomorrow. 

If this wasn’t my book club’s book for May, I would’ve DNF way before any of the plot or pacing picked up because of how, well, bored I was. 
Manacled by SenLinYu

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For non-book records, review text and ratings are hidden. Only mood, pace, and content warnings are visible.

The Six Deaths of the Saint by Alix E. Harrow

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A short and compelling story. The second person pov in the beginning is what drew me in, I loved that aspect. However, not a full 4 stars as I didn’t feel the emotional connection and impact as many others have said that they did. 
Coraline by Neil Gaiman

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I’ve seen the movie multiple times and loved it. This was an overall enjoyable read that somehow was creepier than the movie at times. However, I think the movie fleshed things out which makes sense considering this is small book. It’s also very hard for a short book to compare to a magnificently done movie. I would’ve loved to have been able to read this book first and then watch the movie for the first time. 
The Wicked King by Holly Black

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You know what? Fair. I see the appeal. Do I *want* to read the 3rd book? No, not particularly. But do I feel like I *have* to because of the ending of this one? Yeah. If this book teaches you anything, it’s that you should never trust a man!