gimmebacon's reviews
501 reviews

The Trouble with You: A Novel by Ellen Feldman

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  • Plot- or character-driven? Character


The Trouble with You is perfect for someone who wants to branch out a little from all of the WW2 novels out there and wants to see what life was like in the immediate aftermath of the war. It's a good palate cleanser between denser novels as well as the pace plods along at a steady pace. Fanny as a character is relatable as a main character but I found I was drawn more towards Charlie and Rose.  If there was a spin-off book about either one of their pasts I would devour it!
The Heiress by Rachel Hawkins

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Are you the type of person that will see a snippet of drama show up on your favorite social media and immediately pop some popcorn and spend the next hour or more on a deep dive to get all of the juicy details? If so, then The Heiress is definitely for you! 
I absolutely loved this one and inhaled it in one sitting. Why does Cam want nothing to do with the estate he inherited years ago? Why does he have to deal with it now? Why does his family dislike him? So. GOOD.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.
Night Owl by Andrew Mayne

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I knew pretty much right away that this was going to be a thriller I was not likely going to solve before the protagonist does so I just sat back and enjoyed the ride. I loved Trasker’s “memory palace” way of remembering details for later. I also loved his mini flashbacks of his past experiences on the job. I am looking forward to the next book in this new series!
Salt & Broom by Sharon Lynn Fisher

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While I definitely enjoyed the witchy and magical vibes of Salt & Broom, the love story between Jane and Mr. Rochester wasn't all that believable to me. Is it supposed to be love at first sight for both of them? They only had a few scenes together and then they're all of a sudden so in love with each other? Meh... I've never read Jane Eyre so perhaps that might have something to do with my feelings on that. 
It's still a fantastically atmospheric witchy book, perfect for spooky season!
Northwoods by Amy Pease

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I realize that Northwoods is being marketed as a mystery/thriller and while I do see why they are doing that, I don't feel like that is the main focus of the book. It's essentially a story about how Eli working through his PTSD as a combat veteran. Most of the detective work is done by others while Eli is dealing with panic attacks and hangovers. I felt like I was right alongside him throughout the book, feeling what he was feeling. I hope that this is the first of a series!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced copy of the ebook in exchange for an honest review.

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The Buried Hours by R.S. Grant

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When you start The Buried Hours, you're going to want to make sure that you have the next couple of hours blocked off interruption free. I guarantee that you won't be able to put this one down until you finish it. It's that good!