giulsfloris's reviews
73 reviews

Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo

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Teeny tiny preface: sorry about any typos or mistakes, I’m not a native English speaker.

First of all, I must admit I cried while reading this book.
It’s been a while since a series made me feel so happy and yet so sad at the same time. The Grisha trilogy was good, yes, but this duology was simply amazing.
The characters, the descriptions... I found myself reading at every hour, once again, after a break that seemed to be never ending. I was stuck. For almost a year I didn’t dare to even open a book. The grishaverse was the perfect way to come back after a long hiatus, the longest break I’ve ever taken from reading novels and enjoying new stories.
I found myself not only invested in the plot, but in the protagonists too. They all became my favorite characters, I literally couldn’t pick one to love and care for more than another!
I felt connected to all of them in different ways and I have never been sadder to have to let go of a story.
I can’t wait to watch the show this April to see the characters come to life!
Desire by Haruki Murakami

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I started reading this book thinking that I would love it. I found myself bored and kind of annoyed instead.
Haruki Murakami is an author that I admire, but I couldn’t bring myself to read all of these tiny stories. I will most certainly try again in the future, hoping to give him a few more stars.