goddessofwaters's reviews
57 reviews

Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros

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You know how you have trash tv? This is the book equivalent.

Fourth Wing, aka Sexy Dragon Murder School, left me feeling like I do after binge-watching reality tv. The writing isn’t great, the characters are childish, and it’s all about the drama. But hey, sometimes you just feel like grabbing a glass of wine and enjoying a moment of trash. 

My biggest complaint is the characters. I knew going in that this book would follow along super typical romantasy tropes, and that would be fine except I didn’t care about what happened to any of the characters, including the MC. She was really whiny, always needed saving, and I swear she just has zero self-preservation. I can’t tell you how many times I was screaming “just go be a scribe then!!” (though I admittedly warmed up to her a little by the end). 

One thing I will say is this isn’t a boring book. The pace is very steady throughout and it’s fairly action-packed. 

I don’t judge anyone for loving this book, it’s certainly entertaining, but I would never consider it a literary masterpiece.