gothichues's reviews
387 reviews

Fix Her Up by Tessa Bailey

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I rarely give a 1 star rating to books but this one clearly deserves it. If I tell you that I hate this book, I really fucking hate this book. Sexualizing the fuck out of your friend's kid sister, calls her boobs "little sister tit" and uses "baby girl" as an endearment? Um, no thanks.

The writing style is so bad that I couldn't understand how the author explained things in this book. Trust me, Its ridiculous.

The characters, I just don't like them and I don't really care about them. The main characters have no personalities. Sure, Travis is an ex-famous-baseball player who calls his dick two bats (who even does that?) and is always hard for Georgie. Georgie is a clown and is in love with Travis since forever. Basically, they were horny for each other everytime. The side characters felt like they're just there for the sake of having more characters in the story, and they're completely pointless in my opinion.

The smut, I swear to god, it sounded so bad in the audiobook. I was cringing so hard that I felt so sorry for my ears to have experience that.

In conclusion, this is not romantic nor cute at all. It made me uncomfortable the whole time and I wished I've never read this.
The Merman and the Barbarian Pirate by Kay Berrisford

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First of all, what is with this book and the word lick? I guess that's the author's favorite word? Anyways, I love how this story took its turn from the usual retelling of The Little Mermaid, where instead of a lovely mermaid, we follow the story of a merman and on his quest to find his true love. Although, the premise sounds good, the story turned out to be average, which I still enjoyed reading. The first 50% of the book definitely dragged and it only picked up its pace on the second part. The main character is flawed but I love how his character was developed as the story progressed and the love interest is... just okay. He's this kind of Robinhood wannabe that steal things and helps the poor and those who needs help. The main reason why I picked this up is because of the romance and sadly, I didn't feel the chemistry between the merman and the pirate. The writing is, for the lack of better word, interesting. This is still a pretty good read if you want to kill some time and if you enjoy smut. YES, there's smut in this but not necessarily fish sex.
Wilder Girls by Rory Power

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I have very high expectations in this book! The premise is very interesting, the writing style is simple yet so beautifully written, it has sapphic romance and the cover is pure art. And yet, I still find it lacking. I was expecting it to be creepy like how everybody made it out to be but the nightmares never came to eat me alive. Also, I didn't quite like how the ending went and it even made me more confused. It left me with so many unanswered questions and there was no explaination or whatsoever on how or why did the Tox happen or where does it come from, which made it kind of hard for me to connect with the story. However, I still enjoyed it and its fresh and a new take to the horror genre.