gracenevitt's reviews
81 reviews

People We Meet on Vacation by Emily Henry

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I really really loved this book. it's so precious. 
The Seven Year Slip by Ashley Poston

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wow. I loved this book. it just buried itself right into my heart. so beautifully written and dimensional. magical realism romance has got to be one of my fav genres and it's no secret that Ashley Poston is the fkn queen of it. 
Truthfully, Yours by Caden Armstrong

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could have used another round of edits, but in general it was cute and fluffy. I enjoyed it! great autism, queer, + anxiety rep in the book, although slightly info-dumpy and/or repetitive at times. 
A Court of Silver Flames by Sarah J. Maas

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it was interesting to have a new POV, but this book felt a little unnecessarily long... I understand she needed the character development etc etc, but there was a lot of time spent being mad, training, reading, stairs, rinse, repeat. could have used another round of edits. the end was genuinely sweet and I really enjoyed the last 100ish pages, but only truly enjoying and engaging in the last 15% of the book is not a great track record. it was fine, but not a book I'd rush to read again or tell people to rush to read. 
The Seven and a Half Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 37%.
DNF'ed this book 30% in because of the horrendous fatphobic descriptions and the rest of his general character descriptions. I felt bored and annoyed with the way he kept talking about and describing things and the whole thing seemed like it was getting nowhere anytime soon. knowing I'd have 300 more pages to read, I couldn't continue. the concept of the book is GENUINELY interesting and I tried pushing through for the sake of that, but ultimately just figured it would slump me out, so I gave up. 

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The Sunbearer Trials by Aiden Thomas

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genuinely such a sweet book. the writing style was a little bit more on the YA side, which isn't personally my favorite genre/style, but the plot was great, the characters were so lovable, and the world was so fun to be in. imagine hunger games meets percy jackson meets el dorado and then make it LGBTQ+. it's a fun time. can't wait for the second book in the duology!!!