gravedetails's reviews
15 reviews

The Dark Vault by V.E. Schwab

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Great story line and twist can’t wait till the next one is released.
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab

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The idea for this book blew me away, the author really made me feel what the main character was feeling and the ending was heartbreaking and perfect all at the same time.
The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller

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Could not tear myself away from this book. I am already a huge fan of mythology so hearing a spin on it like this was amazing. Very detailed writing and the author definitely made me feel the characters fear, love, anger and grief.
Odinsbarn by Siri Pettersen

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Loved this book I read it in the English translated version. Beautiful Imagery and one of the best fantasies I’ve read since Game of Thrones. The only reason it doesn’t get a full 5 stars from me is I felt like it did drag on some points that were unneeded. Other than that though this is a wonderful book to get lost in.