grodie's reviews
4 reviews

Girls Against God by Jenny Hval

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 52%.
A Parisian Affair and Other Stories by Guy de Maupassant

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Before starting this book I had read a review criticising Maupassant's writing of women. After finishing it I find that thread to be particularly interesting because I actually largely really enjoyed the women in these novels. Female sexuality is often framed as something to be enjoyed by nobody, this book doesn't take that approach at all. Thoroughly enjoyed all of the stories, especially Boule de Suif and Mother of Invention.
Queer Intentions: A (Personal) Journey Through LGBTQ+ Culture by Amelia Abraham

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I would say this book is like the part before a recipe on those cooking blog websites. It's very personable and meandering, super friendly and hashtag-relatable. I fully understand why people like it - it's a well written book full of funny and touching anecdotes, but its style just doesn't really mesh with me super well.
Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen

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It's a good book, but it's not for me. I didn't particularly feel for any of the characters aside from the Tilney siblings, I found Catherine's 'naivety' to be strange in that she's incapable of seeing cruelty from people who do nothing but act clearly mean and also too eager to see cruelty in those who don't really show a hint of violence.

The language is pretty and its composure is nice, as expected of an Austen novel, but outside of the house-exploration scenes I wasn't particularly drawn in or excited by it. I don't think that's due to failings of the novel and more that I just don't particularly care for explanations of gossip, I don't know.