Uma mistura brilhante de cultura e história chinesa com sci-fi mecha, female rage e uma crítica dura ao autoritarismo e patriarcado. Aguardo ansiosamente pela sequela, cujo lançamento estava previsto para este ano e que pode potencialmente ser adiado pela editora, que considera o ativismo de autore Xiran Jay Zhao uma afronta, aparantemente.
Esta edição só peca por uma tradução pobre para o Português de Portugal.
Depois da desilusão com a autora, decidi ler o segundo dos três livros que já tinha adquirido da sua autoria. "Como Educar para o Feminismo" foi adaptado de uma carta onde a autora oferece quase duas dezenas de sugestões a uma amiga que lhe pede ajuda para educar a sua filha recém-nascida como feminista. O texto não transparece a ideia do feminismo trans-exclusionário defendido por Chimamanda, pelo que poderá até ser adequado para oferecer a algum familiar que esteja menos familiarizado com as questões do feminismo, devido à sua linguagem simples e acessível.
Cometi o erro de comprar 3 dos livros dela em promoção, sem conhecer melhor a autora e a sua obra.
Acabei por descobrir que a autora é de facto trans-exclusionária (ou TERF, se preferirem), o que é bastante evidente se lerem este ensaio curto e ensaio onde a autora continua a perpetuar ideias como a inferioridade biológica da mulher, linguagem cisheteronormativa e binarismo de género. Poderia servir como uma boa introdução ao tema do feminismo mas feminismo não intersecional não serve ninguém.
O conto "Casamenteiros" incluído nesta edição foi bastante mais interessante: fala dos primeiros tempos do casamento arranjado entre uma jovem nigeriana e um médico emigrante nigeriano nos EUA. Uma perspectiva interessante mas mais um vez, pouco aprofundada, e a sua inclusão não merece a pena a compra desta edição.
An incredibly sad story and I could feel her need to have her story heard for the first time ever. There were so many injustices done to this woman and I'm so sad that as a young teen I was one of those that felt "too embarrassed" to like Britney Spears. I'm still appalled that this can be done to anyone at all but even more to someone as successful and famous as Britney.
As for the writing, I'm not too familiar with the memoir genre so I can't necessarily compare this to other books of the same genre but the writing does feel fragmented and a bit too basic, especially knowing a ghostwriter was used for this. Her story definitely deserved a bit more attention paid to the writing.
Excellent audiobook though, with Michelle Williams' narration shining through all the funny and emotional bits.
As a fellow adult teenager, this is the kind of series I needed for my second adolescence (I'm LGBT and therefore my first adolescence does not count)
It was cheesy at times, overtly dramatic at others, the banter between Jace and Clary was funny and Isabelle is an underrated queen that deserved more "screentime". I was afraid she and Clary would've stayed "enemies" just for the sake of girl drama but I'm glad I got them being friendly at the end (they should've been lesbians, just saying).
Still it took me longer than I expected to get through this because for a looooong time, the plot just didn't progress at all. I felt we were just being dragged along to all these different little adventures set up purposefully for Clary to find out more about the Shadow World. I'm hoping that the second book, having more of the world set up and explained, will feel a bit faster on the pacing.
Act III was kind of wild with all the reveals and the ENTIRE CHAPTER dedicated to Luke just infodumping his entire backstory to us. At one point, I was having such a hard time keeping up with all the surnames for Clary's family! And the confrontation with Valentine felt so goofy and over the top, only missing out on a villainous monologue as he explained all his plans.
Can't wait to see how Cassandra Clare is going to work out the "sibling” conundrum (as I said above, just make Clary and Isabelle a couple, I promise it'll be so much better!)
A short, cute graphic novel that has all the important stuff (good writing, cute art and an interesting world) but failed to truly engage me completely. The plot was just not engaging enough and the characters barely got any development.
Grace's story of self discovery is definitely the highlight of the story, with an emotional coming out scene that tugged at my heartstrings. My rating of 2 stars is definitely owed to the indifference I felt for the rest of the book.
In the end, there's nothing truly appalling with this so maybe other people will find more joy in it than I did!
This reads better than the actual book, which I haven't finished yet because it's dragging on too much! Also, Cassandra Jean's artstyle is quite lovely and very suited to the characters.
Read as part of another trans bookclub’s reading challenge.
Some might feel more compelled to give this a higher rating as it seems like such a piece of genuine, heartfelt, personal writing. Being self published, it clearly didn’t benefit from professional editing, which is fine and to be expected. However, the writing is probably my biggest gripe with The Hatchling. To be honest, I dislike first person narration but on top of that, the writing was uninspired and the dialogue irked me, with modernisms in what is meant to be a more traditional fantasy setting.
Other than that, this reads as a bit of a power fantasy about becoming a dragon as a metaphor for transitioning and while I wish that was real and we could all do that, I just couldn’t connect with this story or its characters. Especially Valora, who reads as much younger than she actually is.
Others might find still find this worth a read if you’re willing to read uncritically and just want a bit of transfem escapism.