hadestorm's reviews
212 reviews

Beautiful World, Where Are You by Sally Rooney

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sally rooney's writing is so warm and tender that it makes me bawl my eyes out every fucking time. i'm so fond of all her characters and i sometimes see myself in them in such a comforting way. everytime i read any of her work, it gets added to my favorites.
Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo

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i enjoy everything about this book. it is well-written, thrilling, and moving.
i love the six main characters so dearly, they all have very well crafted personnalities & backstories, and the different relationships that bloom between them are brilliantly managed. reading about them and their adventures has been delightful and it definetly left me wanting more of it, i am therefore super excited & eager to read the second book and knowing that a third one is on the way makes my heart flutter with happiness.
without doubt, a new favorite.