haleybcu's reviews
89 reviews

Blood Noir by Laurell K. Hamilton

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I just finished this yesterday and wow, what a great foray into what the Anita Blake books were always about: her wit, the action, and the gore. I can't complain as much as most with how sexually focused some of the later books have become, but this is a refreshing entry and definitely my favorite since 'Obsidian Butterfly'. Even had hits of Dexter at the end, which really got me stoked.
Dearly Devoted Dexter by Jeff Lindsay

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I enjoyed the first book, found it interesting, but as a lover of the Showtime series, I wasn't so endeared. Then I picked up book two, Dearly Devoted Dexter, and had my hesitations shattered. I was instantly sucked in, totally changed my mind about the lackluster reflections I had when finishing Darkly Dreaming Dexter. The first one is a quick read, no big deal, but power through and pick up this book, and then you are rewarded for your perseverance.
Déjà Dead by Kathy Reichs

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This book only gets four stars for it's extremely slow start, but as a lover of the series Bones, I knew Kathy Reichs would ultimately be for me. To anyone reading this: be patient, it's worth her laying the groundwork and explaining the technicalities of everything to arrive in the thick of one hell of a story. I love the last few chapters the most, very vivid, and will definitely continue with this series, keeping in mind this is the first of a huge series and all I can see these books doing is improving.
The Harlequin by Laurell K. Hamilton

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I really love the theory of a secret group that brings swift and unyielding justice, and being set in the Anita Blake world where chaos is as common as cake, that group has gone severely bad. I really, really liked this book, and even more than it's recent predecessors. I feel like Laurell's style is unique, and yet, approachable and simple. She's descriptive, but more emotive than anything, and that's what wins me hands down in a book. Make me feel it, make me cry when that character gets skewered like so much kabob.
Guilty Pleasures by Laurell K. Hamilton

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The first book in my favorite series, it's raw, funny, dirty, and as addictive as they come. I've read it at least five times, and every time I read the first in a series, all the rest of the books follow.