I enjoyed this book. Not only was it a quick read, but it also included great commentary on how fetishized Asian women are. My biggest gripe with this book (and honestly after finishing it I realized this book did a great job of setting up a book two) was that the whole reason I even picked the book up was because I thought I was going to get some badass Korean young woman serial killer. I had completely skipped the part where it said she was a serial killer in the making. So for the first 70% of the book I was just waiting for her to get to the serial killer aspect and instead, it was just the build-up. I guess that's on me for not paying more attention to the description . Anyway this was still an amazing read and I do hope the author follows it with a part two that gives me more of what I was expecting.
I loved this book. And while I felt like at times it was drawn out (especially at the end), this was still an amazing thriller novel. It kept me guessing all the way until the end about who killed godmother, and trust there wasn't a shortage of people who should've murdered her, which is why the ending really disappointed me. Also, the murderers and their relationship was weird and I honestly would've liked the book even more if they just left the mystery of who did it out in the open. Honestly my biggest gripe about the novel was that last chapter. Would've been so much happier if I just skipped that one.
This book kept me on the edge of my seat and guessing the entire time (and no I didn't guess who did what by the end of it). I do think around the 80% mark it started to drag just a bit and just when I was about to put it down for a little while, several plot twists happened and I knew I needed to finish this book immediately. I will also say that with so many plot twists after the 85% mark of the book did an amazing job of tying them all up while not just giving the information to readers. This was an amazing read and now I'm waiting on my local library to order her newest book!