hanaelzohiry's reviews
86 reviews

Kings of Rittenhouse by Maya Hughes

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Okay interesting prequel, and I can understand why it was written. It gives you a very VERY brief insight on the boys and what their storylines will follow (very briefly), but it felt like the rush of the last week of school where nothing makes sense. I'm definitely excited to learn more about the boys and their lives - especially Declan, Emmett and Heath, who I think will be my Garrett, John Logan and Tucker adjacent in this series!
Reckless King by Maya Hughes

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Honestly a very cute book filled with a secret forbidden love type of romance. Heath honestly just had me thinking of Dean and it was kinda ironic to see how the stories lined up. Heath is a misunderstood college boy who honestly, deserves the world. He was broken, and spent most of his life wanting to be better than his past, and wanting to keep himself in line. In walks Kara, the girl who turns his life upside down, but in a good way. This book touches on something that not a lot of people think of, and that's the importance of placing your self worth in things that make YOU happy, not the things that will make others happy.
Ruthless King by Maya Hughes

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Actually a 4.5 rating but I can't do that on here for some reason? come on good reads, give us the ability to half stars!

Okay so you know how in Youngblood, Luke goes like "Remember the worlds you told me, "love me till the day I day" and "you used to call me baby now you're calling me by name"? Well this book is the actual definition of this song. Well that song and Broken Home by 5SOS. Basically 5SOS could write the soundtrack to this book.

Maya did not even have to write this book in a way that broke my heart, had me smiling like an idiot, and wanting me to jump into the fictional world and just hug both Emmett and Avery and tell them that it's all going to be okay. She has a way of just trapping you in randomly to a point where you know you should stop reading because you have stuff to do, but you can't stop. How could you stop when two people who are meant to be together keep thinking the world is against them?

A classic second chance story of high school lovers who had a falling out and four years later were forced to be in the same room. But what they realized was that the moments of fear and loneliness weren't because of hatred, but because of longing. It was a realization that home is in fact a feeling, rather than a place. I love these two so much, and I'd give them the world.
Fearless King by Maya Hughes

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Let’s talk about something no one ever talks about when it comes to books and storylines. The importance of forgiveness and owning up to your mistakes. This book was one that had me hooked from the start, and if it were up to me (and if I had the time). I would have easily read it in one sitting.

I have never been focused on a storyline as much as Ford and Olive’s. One that was filled with second chance romances and childhood friendships. There was a mix of angst, and falling for your brother’s friend not knowing that there’s pain between the two. There was the battle between keeping your promise to your best friend, and following your heart and allowing yourself to love.

This book was so wholesome, and really just reminded me that sometimes, secrets will only cause you to crash and burn, especially if your intentions are pure. For some reason, regardless if you’re keeping secrets from someone you love to protect them will only cause them to hurt even more in the end - because they love and trust you to be honest at all times.

It’s safe to say that Ford has my heart, and I just know that him and Colm will become my favourite friendship. I can’t wait to continue reading this series and seeing how things unfold for the Kings.
Heartless King by Maya Hughes

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Okay, so I usually am not a fan of pregnancy tropes, but this one had me clutching my heart wishing for a little bit of a breather because of how incredibly sweet, heart wrenching and crazy the story goes.

Both Colm and Imogen are characters in this series that have had - quite literally - the worst set of hands dealt to them time and time again. But, at the same time, they both do what they can to own up to the responsibilities that they have - whether placed on them out of own personal choice, or out of means of distraction from what is happening in life.

Death is such an intense thing for someone to have on their life - whether it’s death of a family, a loved one, or a friend. Imogen and Colm are both tainted by death, tainted by not thinking they’re worthy of happiness or anything that makes their heart jump. But together, they forget about the pain, the heart ache and just welcome love with open arms.

10/10 book that just had me zone out and really focus on it.
Axel by Samantha Whiskey

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Let me tell you about a book that I actually couldn't put down after the first page. A book where my heart and mind was immediately hooked and well, I literally wanted nothing more than to drop everything I had to do and just read. And it's actually rare to find a book that does that. But, we all know I'm a sucker for hockey romances.

Now let's unpack Axel and Langley. Axel, the Swedish hockey player who's had a crush on Langley, the new NHL team Carolina Reapers' leading PR agent. A boy who gave up everything for family, only to turn around and put family aside for himself. A girl who has been burned so many times, that she couldn't see real love and connection if she ran into it. And let's just say, she ran into it. Day by day, Axel pulled Langley out of the brick walls she's built up for herself, to avoid getting hurt again. And I get it Langley, I get how getting hurt once can stop you from letting yourself feel something real and raw.

Axel loves with his heart on his sleeve, he puts everything he can into the people he loves and cares for, and always tries to show them that they matter, their thoughts matter, their opinions matter, and most importantly, their dreams. He is someone who's willing to take his time to break down the walls, brick by brick.

Langley is a strong independent woman who doesn't need any man, just cats. And well she isn't wrong, because let's be honest, a strong woman having a job in a male dominated field is just amazing, and it shows that any of us can do what we want to do, if we put in the work, effort and continue to strive to attain it.

This book was absolutely amazing, and I can't wait to dig into this series. And I know, I'm missing a big part of the story by starting with the second series in the story, but I literally couldn't stop myself.
Sawyer by Samantha Whiskey

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Alright, I think I have to admit this: this series might be becoming my absolute favourite series. It's got angst, love, walls being broken and men going above and beyond to show the girl they love that they matter more than anything else.

This book follows Sawyer, a guy who ever since he was a teenager had to put his dream of being an NHL goalie to take care of his mom. And not once does he complain. Can we talk about goals in a guy?! On the other side, you've got Echo, who has burned by love in a completely different way: everyone she gets close to leaves her, whether it's physically or emotionally. Her luck with love was next to nothing, and her walls were built higher than imaginable.

But slowly, Sawyer breaks down the walls. Brick by brick he helps her trust herself enough to fall in love. And Echo taught him the importance of self-sustainability and self-love. This is something that most "givers" tend to forget. A story filled with cute boys, a wonderful and captivating story line, and a woman who is not only independent but successful.

I can't wait to keep reading this series. I just know I'm going to want to re-read asap!
Connell by Samantha Whiskey

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Alright, let's talk about a book that made me feel things without me even expecting to. Between the cute lovey-dovey scenes that Connell and Annabelle have, to their little sexy moments... I was definitely hooked.

This book is filled with scenes between two people who on paper, shouldn't be together, but are nothing more than perfect for each other. I have never been so in love with two characters than these two.

Connell reminds me of John Logan - someone who thought relationships weren't worth it, but when he found the right person, he was hooked, in love before his mind even caught up to him.

Annabelle reminds me of myself, a girl who wants nothing but to do what her heart desires, to explore, to work, to be successful out of her own accord, not because of someone else. Put the two together and well... bam you've got chemistry.

A book that's filled with cute banter, family and well an epic love story. 10/10 would read again.
Logan by Samantha Whiskey

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Okay, where do I find me a Logan?

The slow burn friends to lovers but let's be honest we've had a crush on each other since day 1 type of story line will forever be elite. And this book doesn't just meet the storyline, it exceeds it in a way that's beyond comprehension.

It tackles the concept of allowing yourself to change your opinion based on current circumstances not just the past. It talks about giving yourself the chance to heal, to love and to grow. It embodies the concept that one person, the right person, can honestly and willingly push you to be the best you can be, whether it's with them, or alone.

Logan and Deleany's love story is one that on paper (and in fame) shouldn't work. They come from two different families, two different life styles, two different goals and dreams. It's a story about two people who grew and cherished memories that they welcomed in, despite their minds telling them not to. It's a love story full of want, desire, need and self control.
Cannon by Samantha Whiskey

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Okay, this book might actually be my actual favourite from this whole series, and it's only book 5. But oh my God the tears that are flowing from my eyes as I type this? My heart hurts for Cannon, and honestly all I want to do is wrap him up in bubblewrap and shield him from the world.

Cannon, the broody, mysterious, slightly rude NHL player meeting his match in Persephone, the pretty, country-club girl who honestly only wants to give back to the community and remove the "spoiled rich kid" title she's been forced to have loom over her.

They met, they have SO MUCH tension between them that literally anyone who's in the same room as them wants to dump a bucket of ice water on themselves, or Cannon and Persephone... or well, maybe both. A drunken mistake in Vegas that leads to a life neither of them thought was attainable, but never want to lose.

The heartbreak, the dark histories and childhood, the fear of not being enough, to love or to have around, this book really focuses on the importance of moving on from your past to have a better future. It focuses on allowing people to take care of you sometimes, especially when you're usually the one taking care of others.

I love Cannon and Persephone's story, I will always go back to them as my Logan and Grace, and I don't think I'll ever be able to think of them without thinking of pain, healing and pure love.