hangyreads's reviews
381 reviews

The Situationship by Abby Jimenez

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Abby Jimenez you cannot leave this book right here, imma need you to give them their own book- please and thank you.
Given Our History by Kristyn J. Miller

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Was this book cute and fun and a good time, yes? But as silly as it sounds it felt a little bit too much like real life. Like it’s not over the top silly swoons romance but also not heart breaking fiction just a good story about two people falling in love.
What the River Knows by Isabel Ibañez

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What The River Knows is a historical fantasy about A girl who will do whatever it takes to get answers. Inez defies her uncle time and again by showing up in Egypt to find out what really happened to her parents after their death. Along the way she becomes an invaluable asset to his hunt for Cleopatras final resting place. This story has epic adventures, harrowing rescues, pining romance and plenty of deceit. This is perfect for anyone who had an obsession with Egypt in middle school (so by that I mean everyone), or all of us obsessed with Indians Jones and the mummy. I especially loved the rapport between Inez and Whit throughout the book. The only thing I’ll say is that it’s a slow steady build to a quick climax. But! It sets us up perfectly for book two coming sometime in 2024 and I can not wait!
All the Young Dudes - Volume Two: Years 5 - 7 by MsKingBean89

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Attached At The Hip by Christine Riccio

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If I’m not reading - I am watching Survivor (literally ask @jeffprobst because he has a video in his inbox from me
Seven Little Kisses by Samantha Ferrand

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My one request is that this book be longer. This was an incredible debut, I got lost in the story telling and felt every heart break and celebration. I will be thinking about Samaya and Isaac for the rest of time