hawaiirican808's reviews
303 reviews

A Throne of Crimson and Ash: A Dark Fantasy Romance by Jessica Ash, Jessica Ash

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 My introduction to Jessica Ash was this book and the start of what looks like a promising series.

I LOVE Disney retellings and will always read them to see how an author writes their own version of classic Disney stories from my childhood. "A Throne of Crimson and Ash" was a retelling on steroids! It's mostly a Cinderella-inspired retelling, with aspects of Rapunzel, Snow White and so much more. There was more to this book than I thought there would be, which was a nice surprise. Jessica did a beautiful job with world-building around Ella and Finn. So many little details that weren't overlooked, lots of plot twists, great character development and a very appealing storyline. It was a magical read and I can't wait to see where Jessica takes this series. 
Whispers of Devotion: Friends to Lovers Dark Romance by K. T. Maddan

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A delicious MC romance book! 

A special thank you to KT Maddan for writing this dark MC romance! It was a unique read to your typical MC/mafia romances and I loved that it was written differently because this book REALLY stood out for me. I loved the dynamic between Matt and Aria. Both live in a small town and have a connection with the bar that Matt inherits. He was always protective of her from a distance, knowing she will always be his, but the timing wasn't there. I also liked that he allowed her to choose if she wanted to be with him, given the nature of the mafia side to his life. He was literally the perfect book boyfriend with a side of possessiveness when it came to her. He had me in LOVE. Aria was a great FMC, so fiesty and knowing exactly what she wanted and how to get what she wanted (YES QUEEN). Great storyline for the book and the spice was EASILY 4 CHILIS! KT wrote some incredible *Smut* scenes in this book, ESPECIALLY THAT BALCONY SCENE!!! Thank you for gracing me with an amazing read, I will be reading your backlist now LOL. 
Fall Into Me: A Romantic Suspense Thriller by Arden Coutts

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This was my first time being introduced to Arden Coutts and their amazing writing. I did not read book 1 "Fall Into Midnight" so this review is solely on "Fall Into Me". 

Fall Into Me was a read that excited me because I DEVOUR romance suspense thrillers like no one's business. I was hooked from the first page! Arden's writing really intrigued me from the beginning. Their ability to leave you wondering page after page on what's coming next was written with precision. I really enjoyed reading this storyline and getting to see the different sides of both Marcus and Kee. There was the lightness and sweet feelings to their connection mixed with some of the best suspense I've seen in a romance suspense thriller. Both Marcus and Kee were extremely loveable and I loved that Arden really captured so many emotions from them: anger, love, vulnerability, compassion, strength, literally ALL the emotions. I got through the whole story in a few hours and felt that the pace of the plot was perfect and everything ended great. No stone was left unturned and became a full-circle moment towards the end. I loved this read and can't wait to read book 1!                                                            
The Last Thing You Wanted by Taylor James

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This book was so good, filled with emotions, plot twists, and lots of dark topics that could be triggering to some readers. I haven't read book 1 yet in the series, but I will after reading "The Last Thing You Wanted". The constant push and pull between their past and their present was written very well. You could really feel what Reilly and Jagger had to endure to get to where they are now. The spice was really good and added to the storyline for me. I will say, I kinda wish the mafia ties wasn't included because this really had the vibes of a perfect contemporary romance, not much mafia vibes. But that's a personal tip for myself. I loved their story, how even there were so many factors trying to keep them apart, they fought for the love between them to overcome everything else. I absolutely loved Taylor's writing and can't wait to read book 1. 

Shattered Wings by Demi Wilde

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The first thing that really grasped my attention with "Shattered Wings" was the cover. Seeing how the butterflies were escaping out of the cage really added to the connection with the blurb that Demi wrote for the book. I love finding little details and connections in things. 

I enjoy reading military romances and this was an incredible book that did the military troupe justice and then some. It is a dark romance, so check the trigger warnings. A relatively short read (finished within a few hours and can say it was well-detailed, full of plot twists, great suspense and more. Demi ripped my whole damn heart out, and stomped on it a few times when she wrote Illiana's story. The things this girl had to go through: HEARTBREAKING. The sheer amount of plot twists and bombs she dropped through this story was absolutely insane. A lot of them had my jaw on the floor and I never wanted to beat the crap out of a character so bad until I met Jax. HE WAS INFURIATING. I couldn't end May with a better read. Thank you Demi for this heartbreaking masterpiece that will take me a while to recover from. I can't wait for you to break my heart again with more books in the future. 

Fight For Us by Lauren Greene

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This was my first read by Lauren and I did enjoy it very much. 

It was interesting to see how she brought Olivia and Wes together, two single parents just trying to get through life and overcome betrayals. Their relationship changed over time, from boss & employee, to "friends", to a fake marriage of convenience. It was a true slow burn, really showing them on a deeper level individually and lettings them grow organically without feeling like it was rushed. 
I really enjoyed Olivia as the female lead and seeing how she wanted to make things happen on her own. Wes gave me golden retriever vibes in a sense. Very loyal and so sweet. I will say it was a long read and some things could have been omitted out (sometimes less is more). That's the only reason this was a 4 star read. I loved the characters, the storyline and the plot. Lauren wrote a beautiful from com that ended beautifully in a HEA. 
Killing Emma by Annie Wild

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The way I'm obsessed with Annie Wild and her dark romances needs to be illegal. 

I was lucky enough to get to read "No Control" and was super excited to read "Killing Emma" and learn more about Emma and Luca. I didn't think she could top No Control but she did with this one. 
This book is a dark romance so check the trigger warnings. I will say I did not see this story going the way that it did. Annie knows her niche and does an amazing job of keeping you guessing while bringing you an action-packed storyline, banter, chemistry, spice, and some really great characters. 
The possessiveness and chemistry between these two are TOP TIER. The spice was a 5/5. I CAN NOT WAIT FOR BOOK 3! If these were how the first 2 books are, I know Annie will knock it out the park with the next one! 
Bryce by Ashley Willow

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Thank you Ashley for such a beautifully emotional read. 

Bryce was a book that I chose to go into blind and I can say, that was an amazing choice because the story itself was one that truly broke my heart and mended it at the same time. Samantha was a loveable female character, one who had to go through so much to be able to love and be loved, heal, and grow as her own person. Her connection with Bryce was one that was truly special. Both have gone through their own things, both coming together and being what the other person needed, being what they both have wanted for so long. Samantha deserved so much and I was glad to see she gets everything she yearned for in her miserable marriage with someone new and could be patient with her as she navigates a new beginning and that was Bryce. The storyline was a 5/5, these characters were a 10 and I absolutely loved how Ashley wrote this book. It was my first read by her and will not be my last. I can't wait to dive into her backlist after this homerun of a read! 
Watch her blush by Emily Klepp

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I will be an Emily Klepp fan until the day I die. 

If you are not a true fan of dark romance and easily triggered, her books are not for you. I have been VERY lucky to read all the books that Em has been banging out this year and "Watch Her Blush" was another amazing dark read for me. Emily's way of writing with some dark topics, but make it spicy and organically raw is a serious talent. I really loved Stormy's and Milo's relationship and how Emily showed her as a survivor, not as a victim. My heart little broke for her and all that she had to endure in her lifetime. It was a super quick read (as most of Em's books are, but are well packed with emotions, spice and lots of dark topics). if you want a quick series to work through, recommend Emily's Watch Her Series. Super good! 
Aptitude (The Dark in the Light Series, #2) by J.S. Wik

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First, let me say J.S has INCREDIBLE speed when it comes to releasing this series so fast! 

Aptitude is book 2 of "The Dark in the Light" series and another amazing, thrilling, and suspenseful read! It was interesting to see that the majority of the story was told in the past tense (to really share the history between Jonathan and Faith and what was going on before he did what he has done to ruin their lives. JS did an incredible job with the flashbacks so that us as readers are able to get a more well-rounded picture of Jonathan from a past perspective. While most authors barely do flashbacks, J's work really allowed me to truly understand him on a different level and it really changed my perspective a bit of him from "Habitude". Like Habitude, I was another immediate fan of J.S Wik's writing style, being able to portray raw emotions, hurts, and memories in a raw and heartwrenching way. You really feel the hurt and pain that Faith has been through because of Jonathan and J did an incredible job showing those emotions justice. I'm very curious to see how everything plays out with these two in Beatitude, the suspense of this storyline is killing me LOL.