heathersdarkbooknook's reviews
187 reviews

If You Break by Jessalyn Thorn

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loved the afterlife

Was definitely a slow burn, much slower than I would have liked, it is single POV which I was sad about. The plot got thicker and better as it went on and there was minimal spice. Maybe 2-3 scenes total. I was very ready to DNF it but I am happy I did not because the ending was good and made me want to read the next one, and sad when I found out it’s not out yet.

I am very much a fan of the Redeemed and the Adterlife ideas and how they live on earth with the living ! Pretty freaking cool!
Taming Seraphine by Gigi Styx

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This book was so freaking good!!!! I have never read a book this long in less than 12 hours!!!!

I could not out it down. Leroi and Sera were !want for each other!!!!! I am so happy I plucked this off my TBR!!!!!
De Luca: The Devil by Chelle Rose

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Quick spicy great read! Onto the next one ! Damian. Oh who will be his girl!? I can't wait to see!
De Luca: The Saint by Chelle Rose

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I can say this book is full of emotions, I wish it was longer! The raw emotions that are spilled from the pair is speechless!
Deadly Temptation by Holly Bloom

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All the entertained lives and a twists and turns have you not wanting to out this book down! I'm on to the next!!!
Protect Me by J.L. Beck, C. Hallman

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good book

I liked how much Damon changed for her, but I wish she had more backbone. I wish I could see their future!