heckrothing's reviews
3 reviews

So Good They Can't Ignore You: Why Skills Trump Passion in the Quest for Work You Love by Cal Newport

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The title "So Good That They Can't Ignore You" was a good hook that got me captured to read it, but delivered on different ideas than what I initially expected.

My aim and intention was to find approaches on how to hone my craft. However, this book delivers on:
- Dispelling common beliefs ("Passion is something to be found")
- Career Advice (do "Deliberate Practice" to gain valuble skills that earn "Career Capital", exchange Career Capital for work that people dream of, keep doing "bids" to gain more control in your work, market your work)
- Case Studys of people that have work they love (a TV writer, a freelance software developer, a Professor at Harvard that gets to do her own research while still finding balance in life)
- ...and how they got to that place (the author interviewed them and followed each of their development in search for what is really contributing to their success)

I should have just read the synopsis and decide from there. Despite all that, there are still some interesting takeaways.
It Happened One Summer by Tessa Bailey

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Lovely read. The author played started the characters at a point where they looked like typical stereotypes and developed them from there on.

Got me hooked from the start. The middle dragged on a bit and got boring but the end caught up in quality again.
Bass-Ackwards by Eris Adderly

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Some high tier steamy stuff but the end was kind of weak I guess.