hellhoundharry's reviews
290 reviews

The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton

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While the subject is interesting, social classes and how that makes some kids turn to a life of crime, I don't feel the novel dives deep enough into that subject.
So we have our two main gangs; the greasers and the Socs. They are at each others throats constantly. And our main character is one of the greaser kids, who gets into trouble with the Socs a lot of times. Okay....

Here is my question though, why are the Socs picking on Greasers? The novel doesn't really provide an answer, just that the Socs are wealthier than greasers and that is why greasers hate them.... But why do the Socs hate greasers?
Den unge Werthers lidanden by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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Käre Werther,

Jag vet att du lider stort av Lottes obesvarade känslor och hennes lyckliga äktenskap med den trevlige Albert. Du skriver i dina brev att det är självklart hon föredrar Albert framom dig, han är stiligare, smartare, klokare och på andra sätt bättre än dig.
Jag vet också att du upplever den övriga världen som en plats full av dumma människor som inte förstår ditt lidande, som inte förstår sig på sådana saker som existentiell kris (utan slösar sin tid på flyktiga nöjen som bara förlänger livet), som inte heller förstår sig på ditt lidande, för ditt lidande är ju sååå unikt och så speciellt.

Jag tror att det tydligaste tecknet på att du helt enkelt inte är riktigt klok kom i ett av dina brev till din bror, som lyder: "Jag förstår inte hur hon kan älska en annan, att hon vågar älska en annan, då jag älskar henne så odelat, så innerligt, så helt, inte känner, inte vet, inte äger något annat än henne." och senare: "Hur hennes bild förföljer mig! Om jag är vaken eller drömmer fyller hon ständigt min själ!"
Du uttrycker flera liknande tankar som inte är romantiska, ord som sägs av en man som är förälskad: Dessa ord kommer ur tankarnas brunn hos en psykopat. Du pratar om hur du vill slita sönder ditt bröst och krossa din skalle mot en vägg för att du upplever att du inte kan älska henne mera än vad du redan gör. Du pratar om hur du skulle vilja skjuta hennes man, på det sättet skulle du och hon äntligen kunna bli tillsammans!
Min gode vän, jag kan bara hoppas att du upphör att stänga in dig i dina sorgens kamrar och klaga till Gud och skrika ut din ångest till Satan, för enligt min erfarenhet leder sådan verksamhet till avgrundens rand. Gå ut! Gå till en annan stad! Börja med yoga!
Och om inte ens det kan hjälpa dig med din besatthet så skulle jag önska att du tog kontakt med en läkare om det mänskliga sinnet.
För i nuläget är det svårt att sympatisera med dig som en huvudkaraktär: Du är en snobb, du är galen och jag undrar om ens din kärlek för Lotte är äkta eller om du bara har blivit besatt av själva besattheten?
The Vanishment by Jonathan Aycliffe

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This was a very relaxed and easy read. And I mean that in all the good ways!

The story in itself is your average "victorian house by the sea with a terrible secret".
It's very predictable in that sense, you can almost skip the first half of the book.
Peter and Sarah arrive at the house, he is a struggling writer and she is a painter. But she gets a bad feeling around the house, especially in one of the rooms, which he of course does not believe in. And eventually she vanishes, gasp!

He tries to contact the cops, relatives, ask around the village and so on, but no one has seen her.... Actually, this part really annoyed me because it takes up a large portion of the book, and yet I felt we really didn't need this part! I hope no one honestly believed she would be gone and then Peter would find Sarah had just gone down to the pub?

However, I did enjoy the book for what it was: A ghost story in the vein of Susan Hill. Perfect reading for halloween! I recommend it if you want just a simple and fun ghost story.
The Bookman by Lavie Tidhar

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It was okay.
It had it's faults, but overall it was okay.
Just okay.
Replay by Ken Grimwood

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Ever seen the movie Groundhog day? I know the movie came out LONG after this book was published, but hear me out: In the movie Groundhog day, a reporter is experiencing the same day over and over again in an endless cycle. When he crosses the street he bumps into the same old friend from high school, he is on his way to do the same job every day, there is always a blizzard at the end of the day...And when he wakes up the next morning, the very same thing happens again.

Replay follows a similar pattern: Jeff always die at the age of 43. No matter how well he takes care of himself, he dies.... And wakes up as a 17 year old kid.
He relives his life from 17 onward until he is 43, when he dies.... And wakes up again.

Personally, I was more interested in the speculation as to what really was going on. And that only came into play later in the novel, when Jeff meets another "Replayer", and they share this experience.
However, when I got through the middle-mark, the book suddenly became very interesting!
Tales from the Dead of Night: Thirteen Classic Ghost Stories by

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Look, I really wanted to like this book. I really did! I read a lot of horror in my youth and thought it would be neat to revisit the gothic horror tradition. And NOT just go back to reading Edgar Allan Poe or Bram Stoker, but pick up other short stories by other authors!

Sadly, none of these stories stuck by me. I didn't find them creepy, they were over too quickly and I felt that most of them lacked atmosphere. Perhaps that is my own fault, I usually read novels and not short stories.
Still, I will defend this collection a little: It does what it says on the tin: Thirteen classic ghost stories!