hevleary's reviews
504 reviews

On Green Dolphin Street by Sebastian Faulks

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I couldn't finish this. From the self-centered characters to the slow-paced plot, I found nothing about this book enjoyable. I loved [b:Birdsong|6259|Birdsong|Sebastian Faulks|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1165555939s/6259.jpg|1093016] and [b:Charlotte Grey|730804|Ageless Love The Conviction of Charlotte Grey, Summer Snow, to Dwell in the Land (Ageless Love Series , Vol 1)|Jeanne Cheyney|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1266628170s/730804.jpg|716998] but I really couldn't get through this
The Bourne Identity by Robert Ludlum

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I didn't hate this book, but I certainly didn't love it. I don't mind the slightly unbelievable drunken brain surgery, or the fact that a man can be shot multiple times yet always recover to full physical strength, to me these are things that occur in every thriller. What I really didn't like was that because the main character had no idea what was going on, often I had no idea what was going on. I'm not even sure the author did most if the time. I spent ages rereading over engineered fight scenes and trying to figure out the story! Maybe I'm just stupid, but for me this didn't read as well as I would have wanted!