hewasamoose's reviews
206 reviews

Just for the Summer by Abby Jimenez

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this romcom was not very com—i  teared up waaaaayyy too much and got way to frustrated, just gosh abby jimenez is a master at what she does and i need to read the other books immediately. justin was so whipped from the start and, on the surface level, emma’s anxious attachment style was so nice to see represented
Wild Eyes by Elsie Silver

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how cute both characters were raw and cute and the story was easy and adorable and well paced, despite how predictable 
Passenger Princess by Morgan Elizabeth

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it was so ridiculous and unrealistic and so sitcom but yk what it was fun and lighthearted and sometimes that’s what we need 
Animal Farm by George Orwell

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my jaw was dropped half the time and why did i feel so emotional about boxer??? it was such a good allegorical novella; the microcosm of russian/soviet soviety in the first half of the 20th century presented, the metaphors, and the symbolism made it so easy to digest and understand
White Nights by Fyodor Dostoevsky

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i understand now why dostoyevskys books are considered classics
A False Start by Elsie Silver

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idk man it was so boring and the age difference really didn’t work for me, especially because they kept mentioning it. i mean, bro kissed a 19 yr old at 33 is that not weird?? 
it didn’t seem to genuine for some reason, just kinda forced
The Front Runner by Elsie Silver

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dude wtf??? i related so fucking had to the fmc, she’s so like winter and they’re both now some of my fav book characters ever. the mmc was sooooo fine, their relationship soooo cute but i just wish we had more of their real lives involved—their work, their friends etc 
so far they’re definitely my favourite couple
but he calls her kitten during sexy time???????
A Photo Finish by Elsie Silver

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okay but why did this book hit so fucking hard?? i was so unsure at first, lowkey weirded out, but whenever i took a break from reading, all i could think about was this book. it’s the only book ive ever imagined so vividly; it felt like the characters were real and mouldable and honest and raw and so fleshed out that i felt like i could dissect them myself. the third act break up was not the boring thing i expected to be, and to be honest it kinda tugged on my heart strings
there were moments where i thought i was going to cry, and why are billie and vaughn so much better outside of their own book???
i loved reading this after chestnut springs cause it felt like a background characters backstory—i knew cole and violet were married with kids but i knew nothing about them or their relationship or their origin story and i knew their group of friends from powerless so to actually get to know these seemingly random characters so intimately (and elsie silver will make sure you know them intimately and so so honestly) is so cool
Off to the Races by Elsie Silver

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truthfully both mcs were so meh and basic and it went from hate to love sooooo quick--it was unsatisfying. BUT it was elsie silver so ofc it was so well written however it is not as good as her later books. billie was immensly annoying tbh and the conflict???? and the hatred of stefan???? did HE not literally agree to it like bro
Wild Love by Elsie Silver

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im conflicted because it was so well written and so real and cute and honest and mature and realistic—third act „break up” wasn’t at all stupid or dragged out or unbelievable—but it all felt so rushed??? i mean the word love was being thrown around at 40% for crying out loud and the hate to love went straight to love at 37. it was sooo speedy.