heyitskirst_'s reviews
288 reviews

The Cruel Prince by Holly Black

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I REALLY struggled with this book, I'm not sure if it's because I'm in such a reading slump at the moment or if it was just too YA for me, I found the story quite difficult to follow around the last 3rd of 'book 1' which I whizzed through and then when I got to 'book 2' I lost it. This was almost a DNF for me but I'm glad I finished it. Hoever, fantasy is not my usual genre and maybe just fantasy based around royalty isn't for me? I am going to persevere and try and read more fantasy books this year for sure. 
A Thousand Boy Kisses by Tillie Cole

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This book had me emotional from page 5 and sobbing by the end, wow! Rune and Poppys story is beautiful yet so so so heartbreaking! I don't really have anymore words for this one other than wow.
The only reason this isn't a 5 for me is because of the writing size and the length of the chapters, everything else was absoloutly perfect💓
Things We Hide From The Light by Lucy Score

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LUCY SCORE HAS DONE IT AGAIN! I absoloutly adored everything about this book and think it was the perfect carry on to 'Things We Never Got Over' I love the characters and how they continued to develop all the way throughout this story, whilst it being completely different to the first one. I loved learning more about Nash Morgan and loved seeing his relationship with Lina explode like it did😍😍 
5/5 for spice levels🌶️
A Man Called Ove by Fredrik Backman

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I have finally finished this book after 2 weeks of trying to get through it. I was really hoping I would love this book more than I did. In the beginning Ove really reminded me a little bit of my grandfather with his grumpiness and the things he would do or say, but as the boom went on I just found him a little bit too miserable right up until the last couple.of chapters. 
I'm sad to give this book such a mid rating as it was so highly anticipated for me, I loved the concept but I think it dragged on a little too much for me personally.
Just Got Real by Jane Fallon

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I loved this book!!!! The only reason it's not a 5⭐ for me is due to the fact for the first third of the book I wasn't sure on the writing style but my god it picked up!!! This book follows Joni, Saffy and Mary who all have one thing (or man) in common, Ant. I LOVED the girl power in this book and seeing these 3 women come together and make the BEST trio against sleazy Ant!
Goldilocks by L.R. Lam

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Up until around page 200 of this book I was really nottttt enjoying it! I'm not sure if that is because it's not my usual genre or if I just wasn't connecting with the characters but the last third of this book had me absoloutly hooked, I didn't see anything coming in this book but looking back everything was soooo obvious!! This book has been sat on my shelf for a little while and I'm glad I decided to read it now! Would 1000% recommend if sci-fi is your usual genre⭐
The Fine Print by Lauren Asher

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My first 5 star of 2023 and wowwww I adored this book! If you love a grumpy x sunshine workplace romance then this is for sure the book for you! When I picked this book up it was mainly because I'm Disney obsessed and this sounded like it could be similar to Disney and oh boy was I right, Disney with a very romantic twist! I was so invested in the characters and how things would pan out between them and I can safely say, it did not dissapoint! 
The Dead Romantics by Ashley Poston

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I didn't hate this book but I also didn't love it! I'd seen a lot about this book on here and on booktok and thought I'd give it a chance, I had also seen a lot of mixed reviews so was very unsure what I was letting myself in for! 
This was a very wholesome story following Florence, who can see ghosts and for the most part, I found this lovely, until I didn't (of you've read this book, youll probably know!). I did however love the family development all the way through, I loved how despite Florence's dad not being around the family still found a way to pull through and become close which is the part I found most wholesome about this story! 
Fast paced, mostly lovely read. 2.5⭐ from me.

The Familiars by Stacey Halls

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I very much brought this by "judging a book by its cover" and I was not dissapointed. I really enjoyed the development of all the characters all the way through. I almost forgot I was reading a fiction books at points as it was very informative and felt very, very real. 
The only reason I have marked this book down slightly is due to the writing style, I really struggled with this to begin with until around half way through where I fully started to get into this book.
It Starts with Us by Colleen Hoover

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• i finally got round to reading the sequel to it ends with us. This was such a highly anticipated book for me but I just didn't love it as much as I was expecting too compared to how much I loved the first one. Don't get my wrong, I loved Atlas and Lily reconnecting and Atlas telling his side of their childhood BUT I found some parts just so unrealistic (yes, I know it's fiction but some of the book I could get lost in and other bits I was just like 'meh, wtf'. ) The ending of this book was absolutely everything I could have wished for it to be though, coho has done it again with making me cry like a baby 🥺