hijabihomegirl's reviews
723 reviews

How to See, How to Draw: Keys to Realistic Drawing by Claudia Nice

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One of my favorite reads of the year so far! I loved this book so very much. I'm a VERY new hobbyist that couldn't even draw a week or so ago so I'm reading as many books as possible on how-to. Nice sets out explanations, lessons and examples that are full of information but at the same time not condescending nor overwhelming. It really helps that she puts side by side comparisons in her explanations as well which allowed me to see where I am then where I could possibly go with enough practice. It not only reinforces the lesson, it also encourages. I was just very glad to find a drawing instruction that wasn't vague or snobbish.

it's VERY approachable for a beginner with highlights of the author's own works in very good clarity. I'm going to return this ebook to my library and buy my own copy from Amazon to keep for reference.