hmccowen's reviews
65 reviews

Twelve Moons by Mary Oliver

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When I find you, I am going to turn the world inside out. The rocks around you will melt, your heart will fall from your body. 
Leaves of Grass: The First (1855) Edition by Malcolm Cowley, Walt Whitman

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You are not thrown to the winds .. you gather certainly and safely around yourself, 
Yourself! Yourself! Yourself forever and ever!
Comeback by Becca De La Rosa

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How did you find someone so real when everything in the world is made of colored cellophane, colored light.
The Unbroken by C.L. Clark

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As it whistles through the mountains, as it tickles blades of grass, as it pulls me from my bed, again, the wind, it cries your name.
Swan: Poems and Prose Poems by Mary Oliver

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Inside the river there is an unfinishable story and you are somewhere in it and it will never end until all ends. 
Kaikeyi by Vaishnavi Patel

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The people of Bharat have often blamed my father for my sins, as if a woman cannot own her actions.
Film for Her by Orion Carloto

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Now, even to this day these drowsy bones, draped in misery, are still trying to reach for your hand. 
Consume me whole, for I am a creature of habit. Rummaging through the corners of your mind, waiting, tenderly, for you to come out and play along.
If on a Winter's Night a Traveler by Italo Calvino

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You fling the book on the floor, you would hurl it out of the window, even out of the closed window, through the slats of the Venetian blinds; let them shred its incongruous quires, let sentences, words, morphemes, phonemes gush forth, beyond recomposition into discourse; through the panes, and if they are of unbreakable glass so much the better, hurl the book and reduce it to photons, undulatory vibrations, polarized spectra; through the wall, let the book crumble into molecules and atoms passing between atom and atom of the reinforced concrete, breaking up into electrons, neutrons, neutrinos, elementary particles more and more minute; through the telephone wires, let it be reduced to electronic impulses, into flow of information, shaken by redundancies and noises, and let it be degraded into a swirling entropy. 
Envelope Poems by Emily Dickinson

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It is a joy to be near you because I love you -
Thirst by Mary Oliver

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When we pray to love God perfectly, surely we do not mean only.