hollymaynisbet's reviews
62 reviews

Girl Online by Zoe Sugg

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Ok hear me out, when I first heard Zoe Sugg was writing a book, I wasn't so sure that it would be all that great. No hate, but from past experience of Youtuber books, they're often terrible. But this book was actually such a good read!

The plot felt a lot like a Wattpad book but with more substance and relatable characters. The book had this comfort and wholesome atmosphere about it that really drew me in and held my attention. Also, the little details about Brighton and Brooklyn, added so much to the imagery of the story which helped me visualise these places I had never been.

I would pay to see this book series as a movie series!
The Names They Gave Us by Emery Lord

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Such a great read. I'm pretty sure I read all 388 pages in the span of 2 days - which for me is pretty good. I just couldn't put it down and found it captivating.

(I must say, if you come to my reviews or come across my reviews in hope of a balanced review, you'll be disappointed. I'll either love a book or hate it, so my opinion will be strong and will not give a balanced review. Sorry)

This story shows how confusing life can be and how we aren't always the people we think we are - and thats ok! I love how we see Lucy grow from the pain she holds about her mother and how she sees life from a different perspective when she meets Jones.

Definitely a comfort read!

"Who we are is written in the stars"
Emergency Contact by Mary H.K. Choi

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Forgot to review this! Third book this week.

Quite honestly, I wasn't a fan of the book. I thought it was really slow and didn't seem to have a climax or a 'turning point', which I find is often a must in a book?

All that said, I can see how this book was to more look into these people's lives during a specific point in time; of course we learnt about their childhoods and teenage years, this let the audience build an understanding on why the characters did what they did. But I felt we there wasn't a whole lot to the plot.

It was a good read though, and the characters slowly developed as the book went on, however, this wasn't enough for me. This is all in my opinion and I'm sure some people will love it, just not me.

Happy reading!
All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven

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This book had me weeping. And I've never been one to cry while reading but this book really got me.

"The story of a girl who learns to live from a boy who wants to die"

^I mean, come on! If that doesn't describe the book then idk what will.

The relationship between Theodore and Violet is so wholesome and the double perspectives we get from the chapters gives us such a great insight into their minds. Especially when we saw how Violet was getting better but Theodore wasn't.

Such amazing writing with great lines:
- “You are all the colors in one, at full brightness.”
- “You saved my life. Why couldn't I save yours?”

This book is a must read, if you are considering watching the movie before reading the book - please don't. I read the book first and was so excited when I found out that it was going to become a movie, but I'm not sure what it was about the movie but I was left feeling unsatisfied. Book > movie!

Happy reading!!!!