hollymaynisbet's reviews
62 reviews

The Wicked King by Holly Black

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I’m deeply disappointed in this book series. I was so excited but I cannot like this at all.

There is absolutely no romance within it (like I thought it would be, plus it was described to me as a “dark fantasy romance” and it is not). I also feel like I barely know who Cardan is, and it’s strange considering the book title is “The Wicked King”. I really hate to give low scores but this series is not great and very much overhyped.

At times I find it hard to understand the story because I cannot find a character I like and can attach to. If I had a character I liked, then I would be able to follow along and immerse myself into this Faerie world - as it is, I don’t like any characters.

A lot of people love this series and I feel a though I am the only one who cannot get along with it, so would I recommend you read this? Sure, have a read and see if you completely agree or disagree with me.

Anyways, happy reading!
The Cruel Prince by Holly Black

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Personally, I think this book is overhyped. It was the first book I saw on Booktok and I was so excited to read it but it didn’t live up to my expectations.

I will, however, continue reading the second and the third but will do so online since I do not feel the need to own them.

The plot was at times hard to follow and at the start, I found it hard to get into. By page 270, I felt I barely knew Cardan (The Cruel Prince) and didn’t feel that his character played a major role. It was only at the end that I saw his importance and heard a little more from his character. I also felt a lack of any romantic feelings between Jude and Cardan (though I’ve been told there is more in the second book - which is part of the reason I wish to continue with the series).

The writing was beautiful and had great descriptions that helped visualize this somewhat confusing world. Holly Black is a terrific writer but personally I could not get on board with the story like I hoped to.

In the end, do I recommend it? I really can’t say, some of my friends who have read it, have found it great and enjoyable. So it really comes down to preference.

Anyways, happy reading!
The Queen of Nothing by Holly Black

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Omg, this is so much better than the last 2 books. It had the romance that was lacking in the others and everything seemed to tie together. Quite honestly, it was a good book, though I don’t think I’ll be rereading this series anytime soon. The writing was absolutely brilliant, along with the descriptions which created this beautiful world. Cardan and Jude was very very sweet in this book.

I would say, if you are reading the first 2 books and are unsure if they’re worth the time. Hold out for the third book!!

Anyways, happy reading!
How to Get to Rio by Julie Fison

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Another "Choose Your Own Ever After"! This again was a book I read when I was 11 or 12 and thought the world of it. Now it isn't a book I would read but would recommend to anyone interested in the basic girl likes boy story - a middle school romance really.

If that tickles your fancy than this book is definitely for you!

Happy reading
A Hot, Cold Summer by Nova Weetman

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This was a classic book for me when I was 11 or 12. I thought the way this book was setup was revolutionary, and I think this was partially because I had never seen this done before but now I've seen it done a lot and it isn't as special as it used to be.

The story was perfect for little old me. I didn't have to think too hard when reading, which was perfect, because at the time I wasn't into reading and was only starting to become more interested - this book was a good transition.

I haven't really gotten much to say about this book - mostly because its been over 5 years since I last read it.

Good read for anyone wanting to get back into reading - though it is marketed at a much younger audience.
The Right Thing to Do by LovesBitca8

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