honeybeeleereviews's reviews
600 reviews

The World Gives Way by Marissa Levien

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Rating 3.5 ⭐️ It’s been awhile since I have read a dystopian book. I was lucky enough to receive an Advanced Readers Kindle Book copy of this book and I have to say this was a solid read. I loved that the story had very intriguing characters and the world building was really well done. There was a few elements of the world I would have liked to know more about but that’s just my own curiosity. For being a debut book it is a good start to a writing career. One of the few that I would say that has a very good ending for dystopia books. Defiantly recommend you check this out when it is published on June 1st.
The Woman in the White Kimono by Ana Johns

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Rating 5 ⭐️ Is book was such a really good emotional ride. A beautiful love story with a mystery that has you wanting to solve it. I was hooked from the start. Naoko is a character you can’t help but fall in love with and root for throughout the whole book. The struggles she goes through just for the chance of being with the man she loves was the one main thing that drove me to finish this book. Tori’s character was good and her story like was okay. But to me the main story and character that helped to drive the story was Naoko her side of the story was to me more interesting. All in all I would defiantly recommend this book.
With the Fire on High by Elizabeth Acevedo

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This book was amazing. I did listen to the audio book for this one and man it did not disappoint. Emoni is a great character and you will find yourself invested in her from the start. She is a teen mom living with her grandma and has a passion for cooking. Fair warning this book will make you hungry as you read/listen to Emoni when she cooks. So you have been warned. When Emoni’s high school offers a Spanish culinary course she of course has to take it. From there you follow Emoni as she navigates school, work, taking care of her little girl and a cute new transfer student. One thing I really like about this book is it actually shows Emoni and her ex Tyrone her Baby Girl’s father in a light this is not always shown when it comes to people in these situations. Most of the time the relationships are portrayed as toxic with one of the parents not willing to be apart of the child’s life. Granted Emoni and Tyrone’s relationship is not perfects but though they are not a couple both are still willing to put an effort in to be apart of Baby Girl’s life. ....
The only reason I did not give this book 5⭐️ Was because it used a total of four times a line that almost every book is guilty of having that I just find way over done. That line is, ‘I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding..’ had this book used the line once would have been five stars.
White Rose by Kip Wilson

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How is it throughout my whole education I was not taught about the White Rose movement durning WWII, it was not even mentioned. I think that is pretty criminal. A non-violent resistants group that wrote anonymously speaking out against the Nazi regime. As much as schooling focused on this time period why was this not even mentioned. I digress, this is something I am defiantly looking more into and learning about after reading this book. The book is a historical fiction so there is some fact mixed into the storyline. It is written in verse so this book is a pretty short read. I got through it a lot quicker than I was expecting. If you are looking for something different and something you probably never learned about I highly recommend this book. Or at the very least learning more about the White Rose movement.
The Worry Trick: How Your Brain Tricks You Into Expecting the Worst and What You Can Do about It by David A. Carbonell

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This book was very informative. As someone who can get stuck in their own head with worry. This book was a good read and I am probably going to have to read this again so I can try the different exercises. I like that it had a good amount of different exercises that can help you slowly work through your worries. I liked this because not everyone is the same and some techniques might work better than others for a person. If you have anxiety and get stuck in your head I would recommend this book. If only to learn some different techniques that might help.
The Woman I Kept to Myself by Julia Alvarez

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This book is a collection of poems rich with language and influences of two cultures: the Dominican Republic and America. Alvarez paints vivid pictures as she writes about her life growing up. As you read Alvarez draws you into her life from her childhood in Dominican Republic to moving to American and the struggles she faced having to learn a new language. What I love about this book is that there are many poems to relate to depending on what stage of your life you are on. This is defiantly an book I would read again and again throughout my life to experience the poems a new.