hookedbythatbook's reviews
3212 reviews

A Circle of Uncommon Witches by Paige Crutcher

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A confounding obstacle course of spiritual and emotional ordeals will hopefully bring an end to a horrible curse. 

My very first feelings were sympathy for these witches and this curse that basically left them with two terrible choices as adults. The curse was explained in great detail and very cleverly when we met Doreen and Margot in the first chapter. They are two very likable characters and I was rooting for Doreen to find a solution. 

Ambrose got a raw deal and his selfish motives at the start made complete sense. For some reason, that I'm not entirely sure of, Ambrose made Doreen believe they were going to see someone who could help with breaking the curse. This led them to the trials in the underworld, which were fantastic and intricate and reshaped Doreen's view of her own world and abilities. The complicated plot surrounding Ambrose's curse and Ada's own history was confusing at times and it took a while to unravel all those parts. 

Doreen and Ambrose were clearly attracted to each other from the start, but I wasn't all that convinced about them as a couple. I wanted to be. Ambrose spent most of the story pining for Lenora and denying any connection to Doreen, and then it all suddenly changed (with a good explanation, I should add). But that made it more difficult to believe in Ambrose's feelings for Doreen. 

Overall, it was an interesting and enjoyable read, but there were a lot of things happening that were difficult to piece together. If you like witches, curses, and spending time in alternate realms, then this might be for you. 

Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with a copy. All thoughts and opinions are my own. 

Eternal Magic (Magic for Hire), # 3 by Alexandra Ivy

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A past best forgotten catches up with Maya in this suspenseful, thrilling fantasy romance. 

Maya wasn't a very likable character in the first two books. She came across as quite strict and rigid, and it was a given that she had some trauma from long ago that made her that way. The past was very cleverly woven into the story of the present and gave us a chilling view into Maya's psyche. But this also gave her the determination she needed to figure out the mystery of who wanted her dead. And to face some ghosts from the past as well. 

Ravyer was an indistinguishable part of her painful past. They tiptoed around each other initially, but their fascination with each other from before reignited with a bang. I loved how he just fell for Maya, went all in, and didn't question it at all. They made a great couple and an effective team. 

Tia played an instrumental role in the entire affair. She and Maya shared a history of pain and suffering, and both had reason to feel resentful. Theirs was a difficult reunion, yet they had each other's backs when it mattered most. We did find out more about Joe and, as expected, he played Maya's protector, but I felt that this wasn't all there was to him. 

The plot was a bit convoluted, with lots of players and possible suspects, and our heroes had to chase plenty of dead ends. It all flowed very well, and the resolution was both horrifying and satisfying. I can recommend this series if you like a steamy fantasy romance with vampires, demons, and mages. It is best to read the books in order. 

Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with a copy. All thoughts and opinions are my own. 

Two Can Play by Ali Hazelwood

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I listened to this one and it was a very enjoyable experience. It was difficult to turn it off to concentrate on other things. Viola had mostly only positive thoughts about Jessie, even though he snubbed her at every turn, and that perplexed her immensely. It took a while to reveal the real misunderstanding and up until then, I had a hard time figuring out what could possibly have happened that would redeem Jessie. I loved their passion for the books and the game that they both were desperate to work on. And I think the book ended at exactly the right spot. 
The Pucking Proposal by Lauren Landish

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 Sneaking around is never a good idea, but it sure makes for an amusing and compelling read. 

This was most certainly an unusual arrangement to satisfy a hockey player's new superstition. And it kept evolving as Joy and Dalton spent more time together and their intimacy grew. They were both confident, driven characters, and they brought out the best in each other. These two jumped into this secret pact with both feet and it was clear that they enjoyed each other and this experience. Despite all the intensity right off the bat, this was still a fairly slow burn. And that made it extra satisfying when Joy and Dalton finally gave in to the insane attraction between them. 

The overprotective brother is not my favourite, but Shep was a very likable character and even I (as the reader) cared about his opinion. Apart from this obvious roadblock, Joy and Dalton had plenty of other personal demons to slay. Dalton handled Joy's issues like a pro, even if his delivery could've used some improvement. 

I enjoyed the straightforward writing style and the witty dialogue. The author quickly established a tone and personality for Joy and Dalton that stayed consistent throughout. Their edges softened up a bit as they became more comfortable with each other. 

This is book two in a series, but it stands well on its own. I can highly recommend this if you like a steamy hockey romance, with a decent amount of actual hockey playing. 

Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with a copy. All thoughts and opinions are my own. 

The Merger by Adriana Locke

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Better get your smelling salts ready, Gannon and Carys will have you swooning from the first heated look until the very delectable end. 

Well, this was a sit down and read it all at once kind of book. Gannon and Carys were *chef's kiss*. They handled their increasing closeness and any bumps in the relationship with maturity and following their journey was pure joy. I had a huge, goofy grin on my face the entire last quarter. 

The family texts contributed to the general air of fun and happiness that this story will have you feeling. It was just a bit mind-boggling that they were able to keep it a secret for so long. This family deserves all the good things coming their way and the award for best side character goes to Tate, obviously. 

I cannot recommend this book enough if you like a super steamy romance that will leave you with a light, happy heart. Each book in this series stands well on its own, but I don't know why you'd want to miss a single one of them. 

Thank you to the author for providing me with a copy. All thoughts and opinions are my own. 

Cold as Hell by Kelley Armstrong

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Another nail-biting installment in this thrillingly fantastic series. 

Casey is adaptable, smart, and incredibly capable, as usual. I love that she and Eric always present such a united front and that they are each other's safe haven, even though they may not see eye-to-eye all the time. They work exceptionally well together, and I also love the rhythm that they've found with the other staff at Haven's Rock. 

The vivid descriptions of the snow and weather conditions were just as chilling as the crimes committed. This time the villain was even more disturbing, and the reveal of their identity added a rich layer and interesting twist to this already gripping mystery. And let's not forget the stressful moments surrounding Casey's pregnancy. 

This book was almost impossible to put down and will have you riding high on tense emotions. I can highly recommend this entire series and the preceding Rockton series if you like suspense with some romance thrown in. Each book can be read on its own, but I think there's more value in reading them in order. 

Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with a copy. All thoughts and opinions are my own. 

21 Days with the Lyon by Shana Galen

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An outlandish set of circumstances brought Theo and Bianca together and proximity and the threat of danger took care of the rest of their feeble resistance. 

I had a lot of thoughts running through my brain after reading the first few pages. What on earth was happening? How big was this woman's dowry? What was wrong with her sister? Well, never fear, all these questions were answered, eventually. It was a lot of fun piecing together the puzzle that was Bianca and her enormous fortune. 

It was easy to peg Bianca as a pushover initially, but she certainly stood her ground when dealing with Theo. I enjoyed the humorous writing style, especially Theo's clever quips and inner thoughts and Bianca's ineffectual efforts at flirting. They had great chemistry and Theo turned out to be a true hero. 

I loved everything about this story and can highly recommend it if you like a steamy historical romance novella. This book is part of The Lyon's Den Connected World, but each book stands perfectly well on its own. 

Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with a copy. All thoughts and opinions are my own.