hoshiiro's reviews
38 reviews

Wonder by R.J. Palacio

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I'm sobbing this was everything, I read it at the right time and it hit home. Loved it
L'Arbre des possibles et autres histoires by Bernard Werber

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this was a mess but really fun tbh, I wanna read the ant now
Every Day by David Levithan

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wow this was beautiful
so many stories in one
moving handwriting
I'm sobbing

edit: I can't seem to put a definitive rating for this book? it might be subject to change in the future bc it was sad but still incredibly touching. This representation of time passing, this 'no tomorrow', no planning, no future, no certainty... was ??? idk??? something ?? the execution was so good ?? like really feeling this, the no promises was so sad ?
yeah idk how I feel lol
A Very Large Expanse of Sea by Tahereh Mafi

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read it. read it. read it.

I can't say it too much.

I read it in almost a day and it was beyond amazing. The writing style was on point, didn't feel heavy, very straightforward but kept a fluidity and beauty...

I've never felt that much emotions in a book. Anger joy and love, a young 16 years old girl who's just trying to live her life, peacefully. I'm so touched by those characters. Navid ily2 ♡

Shirin was such an angel and I felt her. This tiredness of always having to prove yourself, having to be strong or people would tear you down, appearing as brave and ready to fight when you just want to disappear... I love her so much :,)

I'm sobbing..... this was just wholesome and at the time infuriating to witness all those injustices...

a must read.
Le Meilleur des mondes by Aldous Huxley

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it was presented as the most popular and praised by everyone but I didn't quite get the hype ? like yes it was cute but I think I was expecting more of a "modern" dystopian word (like a hero, a rebel against some sort of oppressive authority) but definitely not.

The character of John was very special and his evolution was interesting to witness. Bernard, his social climbing and fall, his ego and thoughts on society, all of that was also interesting to analyse.

The first 150 pages were really hard to read and I almost dnf-ed a bunch of time but thanks to a wonderful audiobook, I succeeded to finish it. At some point, it was just me trying to finish it only to say that I've read it, and not because I genuinely enjoyed it.

From p. 150 to p. 210, it started to be a bit more interesting with some plots but still fell flat for me.

Though, the last 2 chapters were quite interesting and I started to grasp the more "philosophical" side of it and the new doors the book would have had open to new stories and plot, back then.

Although, there's still some things that irritated me (e.g. the number of time the n-word was written (at least in the French translation), even tho I know that it was less problematic at the time, it kinda stopped me in the flow of the reading)

Still happy that I managed to go through this, but I don't know if I would be able to go through it twice though...
We Are Okay by Nina LaCour

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loved the characters, the build up, how you understand the pain in the fact Marin just can't say yes to flight back with Mabel, the description of loss/grief and even the feeling of betray that comes with it

I'm a sad bean
La chienne de Moknomi by Hwang Sun-won

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*livre lu pour les cours*

Un livre assez particulier mais qui ne pas particulièrement marqué. Les histoires sont très marquées par la culture coréenne de l'époque et le style d'écriture est un régal mais ça ne m'a pas transcendé.

Je ne sais pas si la note est objective d'ailleurs car les textes sont très doux, fluides et authentiques à leur époque. Je pense juste que ce n'était pas un style qui me correspond.

Je recommande tout de même pour ceux qui veulent lire des histoires courtes de la Corée d'antan!

Ranking des différentes nouvelles :
1. La chienne de Moknomi ⭐⭐⭐☆☆
2. Les étoiles ⭐⭐☆☆☆
3. Le sacrifice du coq ⭐☆☆☆☆
4. Le vieux Potier ⭐⭐☆☆☆
5. Chronique de Solmé ⭐⭐☆☆☆
6. Une veuve ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
8. Ensemble ⭐⭐⭐⭐☆
9. L'Averse ⭐⭐⭐☆☆
Le bol de riz du maitre by Yi Ch'ong Jun

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Surprenante lecture, les histoires sont courtes mais touchantes. Assez enfantin de part la simplicité du texte et les illustrations mais reste plaisant :)