hugallthecatss's reviews
133 reviews

The Sins on Their Bones by Laura R. Samotin

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 49%.
50% of the way in and the pacing is just too slow for me.  Also just found out it's a series and not a standalone, which is not what in looking for right now.
To Gaze Upon Wicked Gods by Molly X. Chang

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I think if you remove the repetitive dialogue/exposition this book could be about 100 pages shorter. 

The characters are very shallow and honestly I didn't care for any of them.  Almost all of the relationship building between Ruying and Antony happens during a 6 month off-page time skip. Their entire relationship feels incredibly flimsy and surface level, and I have no idea why she suddenly trusts him and is also smitten by him. I think that
Taohua's death
was supposed to be this big moment, but because there's almost no interaction I found that I didn't care at all.

Interesting ideas but incredibly poor execution.
Darker by Four by June CL Tan

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The first 50% or so of this book is just Bleach, honestly. The pacing is a little off and it's not until literally halfway through the book that 2 of the POVs actually meet.